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1st grade math - Singapore, Miqon, MUS, or RS?


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We started DS with MUS Primer for kindergarten this year. I liked the gentle math intro and the hands-on approach.


However, since then I have researched more and am thinking that Singapore is where we want to end up eventually. Is 1st grade the time to make the switch, or is there a better time to do it?


I like the hands-on approach to MUS and RS for these younger years, however, I don't like that MUS may make for a difficult transition to something else in the future (or if we ended up putting him in public school, where they use Saxon.) I'm still learning about DS, but I'm not convinced that the hands-on approach is necessary for his learning style either.


I hear good things about Miquon as a transitionary curriculum, but at the Sonlight website it says it may not be good for those who want concrete processes and answers. DS may fall into that category....I'm not totally sure.


Suggestions of where to go from here?

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I learned a lot from reading through forum questions and gaining everyone's experiences here. I also made a point to read through as many homeschooling blogs as I could so I could *see* some of these curricula in use.


I have a few posts on our 'math path' here. We finally ended up using Singapore on Monday-Thursdays and Miquon on Fridays.


This post explains why we switched from Kindergarten with Saxon.


This post explains our math play day.


This is my first post about my developing crush on Miquon.

This is my increasing love for Miquon.

And this is my full-out love song to cuisenaire rods and Miquon.


And finally, this is one of my most recent updates. I am probably due for another. But rest assured we are happily moving along with our math.


I hope these help you. I know first hand how nerve-wracking the search for a math curriculum can be. I suffered many a sleepless night over it. Seriously. I was a wreck!


My posts that I linked are just what has worked for us. I hope other members chime in with their experiences and you find something that will work for you and your son.

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Thank-you, KristinR, for your helpful post. I like the idea of M-Th Singapore and F Miquon. How does that work in getting through the Miquon book though? Or do you not worry about completing the book? Do you just do what you can and move on by grade?

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Thank-you, KristinR, for your helpful post. I like the idea of M-Th Singapore and F Miquon. How does that work in getting through the Miquon book though? Or do you not worry about completing the book? Do you just do what you can and move on by grade?


I am really not worried about completing Miquon by a certain time. On Fridays she does as much as she likes. She generally spends about 30 minutes and completes 3-6 pages. Miquon really compliments Singapore well. It's self-discovery aspect is what appealed to me immensely and keeps me with it. My 5 year old hit multiplication on Miquon before we hit it in Singapore. When we finally came to multiplication in Singapore later on it was that much easier for her to grasp.

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And for Singapore, next year would I start him on Earlybird Essentials or at 1a?


You can start in 1A. You'll have essentially done "Kindergarten math" by time you're done with MUS Primer, right? :)


1A starts with a brief review of counting to 10, then quickly moves into adding and subtracting.


My middle son is using 1A now (we just successfully did the infamous "adding across tens" this week :D). We did do Essential Math K last year, but really that was just a place holder until he was ready for first grade math, and much of 1A has been review of what he did in book B of EM last year. In 1A, there is more emphasis on learning the facts, whereas in K it was just introducing the idea of adding and subtracting. 1A goes into adding larger numbers also - 8+5, 12+3, etc.


Singapore is big on going concrete (manipulatives) to pictorial to abstract (just numbers), so it does have the hands on that young kids often need.

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I believe I've read on here that some people don't like 1a-1b....or at least 1a. Why is that?


I've heard that money and time are a weak area for Singapore. Does Miquon cover that any better?


The people making that complaint usually prefer RS. I tried RS and didn't care for it. I'm enjoying Singapore 1. It's providing a good foundation in math. I've also used levels 4 and 5 and like where it goes.


I haven't gotten to the time and money section, but both topics are pretty easy to teach by having coins and analog clocks around. I wouldn't let that be a deal breaker.

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I believe I've read on here that some people don't like 1a-1b....or at least 1a. Why is that?


I've heard that money and time are a weak area for Singapore. Does Miquon cover that any better?


Money and time almost no covered in miquon orange and red. If I remember right, only 3,4 pages on each. But it covers all 4 operation and fractions.

I have 1a and b but decided to go with miquon. I like how the number sense was developed. I do not like the work bookish Singapore. I do not think 1st grade level should be work bookish. And I believe miquon hands on and seeing the number fit my DD perfectly.

At miquon red, DD starts moved away from the rods. And I feel it is proper to switch and just use miquon as supplement. It really build a great foundation for dd.

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I believe I've read on here that some people don't like 1a-1b....or at least 1a. Why is that?


I've heard that money and time are a weak area for Singapore. Does Miquon cover that any better?


A person doesn't like Level One of Singapore, but lots of us disagree ;) :D



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I believe I've read on here that some people don't like 1a-1b....or at least 1a. Why is that?


I've heard that money and time are a weak area for Singapore. Does Miquon cover that any better?


OK, good to hear that 1a and 1b aren't disliked across the board. I would prefer to just start and stick with the program.


We're currently 10 weeks into 1A and I've really enjoyed it so far. It's the first formal math curriculum I've used with DD6/1st. (Last year we did MFWK and it did not have a formal math program.) We are at a point where we'll be taking 1-2 weeks "break" to play lots of math games, practice our math facts....but I've got no complaints. It's been a great fit!

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OK, good to hear that 1a and 1b aren't disliked across the board. I would prefer to just start and stick with the program.


Somewhere fairly recently on this board there was a poll (or poll-like) thread on the subject, as there is one poster frequency downs level one, and almost everyone who responded said they really like level one. I certainly do. But you will never please all of the people, all of the time.



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