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My kitten is a hoarder!!

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She hides things in little hidy-holes.


Behind my waterbed, under my nightstand is a little area full of her things... drinking straws (which she loves to play with and steals from the drying towel in the kitchen), hair bands, coupons, shredded tissue paper and her all time most stolen item... cabbage patch dolls. I have heard her drag these heavy dolls from upstairs in the children's rooms to the basement where my bed is.


Last night my daughter made me a birthday card and attached a piece of candy.

I could not find the candy today--it was on my desk this morning. We found it in a hidy-hole under the desk--along with some barbie clothes and fabric scraps, a couple of markers and a spool of thread. (She licks suckers til they are gone if you let her)


What an odd cat.


She also steals and eats tomatoes. I cannot leave any on the counter or she will eat them. Once I left some in a grocery sack in the garage (to put away later). I found the bag, stuck in the cat door, half in --half out with a tomato in the house and a tomato in the garage. She couldn't figure out how to drag the produce over the "hump" of the kitty door.


She also likes to hide under the couch and claw the behinds of anyone sitting on the couch. Many times I have been watching TV and my backside is being attacked.


I adore this bratty cat. She is so interesting to watch and fun to know.

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Our cat steals and hides only one thing---little very expensive heroscape figures! She also loves frozen peas and rubberbands.


Your cat sounds like a very amusing and lively cat. How awesome that pets can bring so much to our lives.

Edited by missmoe
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She's not odd. All cat's do that; don't they? All mine do/have. I also have one that loves beanie babies, but only when dh is out of town, and only at 3 in the morning, and only in my doorway. Ok, he steals them other times too, but his favorite thing to do is wake me up when I get the rare opportunity of hogging the bed all to myself.

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