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Catholic cyberschooling?

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Does this even exist? My daughters attended a Catholic school the last few years and though they loved the interaction with the kids, the model didn't work well for them. The school itself was a good school and has great teachers but we had previously been homeschooling before and we found after our two year trial of brick and mortar school that homeschooling is what works best for our family.


Anyways, with that said its a small private school and the principal asked me if there is a model of this that exists? Our local public school offers cyberschooling with the option to come in for classes should they want to for whatever subject. So they are still a part of the school but being schooled at home. She mentioned this when I had told her that the public school here does this to keep students and money in the school district. Which I think this model would be a good thing because its a good school to salvage and keep from closing ( this year they have 70 students prek-6th grade total)


So my question: Does anyone know of any private Catholic schools whether they be K-8th or high school that has adopted this model of cyberschooling or long distance schooling? I would love to see our little school come together with the homeschoolers in our area, instead of it being us vs. them. Not to mention to try and help the school itself out by getting more students but serving those who would best learn at home but maybe benefit going in for a math class, or reading or whatever. I just think we would benefit from each other really. I've learned alot from these teachers and they've learned a lot from us as well.

I know I have days where I just would like to hand over writing to the teachers because its the subject I have the hardest time teaching to my girls. But would rather them to go the private school rather then our public school (:ack2: ) Hope this makes sense. P.S. we don't have a co-op on our area and though I'm starting one its not going to be an academic co-op ( we just don't have the interest for that in our area).

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ETA: if you are asking if any Catholic schools offer partial enrollment (meaning, cyberschool with the option to "come in" for a class or two); not that I'm aware of. There are several virtual programs to choose from - Kolbe, Seton, Our Lady of Victory to name a few - but none that are affiliated with a local Catholic school to offer optional on campus partial enrollment.

Edited by AimeeM
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I so wish they would offer partial enrollment at the local Catholic schools (here in SC).

We only have two schools here that offers it - but neither are Catholic and they are of a faith based school that I wouldn't use, as a Catholic; other than that, no schools offer partial enrollment (not even publics).

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Our local public school offers partial enrollment. You can chose from several curriculums ( Calvert, K12 and a few others they offer ) , and should your child want to join in on a class they are allowed to do this. With that said I hate having my girls have anything to do with our public school here for many reasons.

I think the Catholic schools are very slow into figuring this out, and for many it could mean staying open or closing forever.

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