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Doll bunk beds?

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I have pledged to be done early (ok, actually, on time) with my Christmas shopping this year, so I'm researching bunk beds for 18-inch dolls. Does anyone have anything they like, and that they feel is sturdy enough to stand up to regular use?




ETA: Trundle beds would be great too, if the trundle would fit an AG doll in without her feet hanging over the edge. That would drive DD10 (and by DD10, I mean me :lol:) nuts.

Edited by Sweet Morning Air
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We bought these for my girls last Christmas. My 4yo tried to stand on her so of course she killed them but my 8yo's set has held up just fine. They are not true wood but they are pretty sturdy. They've worked just fine for her AG dolls.




:iagree: This set is pretty and has held up well. American Girl dolls fit just fine.

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