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Here's your sign

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Oooh so many I'd have to spend some time trying to weed through my thoughts to pick one.


Although yesterday at DD's gymnastics the coach for the tots class spent more time putting the kids in time out for no reason other than they were not staring ahead at her the entire time (like you know, all 4 year olds do) than doing anything. I was really glad when one of the mothers went down and asked her what the problem was. Good thing dd is not in tot's class. And I watched her the whole time. There was nothing these preschoolers did that warranted a "time out." I would be pissed if I paid for that.

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One example from this week and in this case I did tell the person they need a special sign so people know better than to listen to anything out of his mouth lol THe person was my ex husband.


He has not seen dd13 since last May-June, he has not seen ds14 since the first week of July. So last weekend he was to see them. the girls dance until noon on saturdays, but I told him dd13 could miss the 2nd hour of her acro( it is 2 one hour classes she takes each saturday) and I would meet him at a town half way between here and the city and he could have them for 24 hours. Well nope he wanted her to miss all of her acro on the saturday and meet him at 10. Wasn't going to happen.


When I made that clear he asked to have them for a week Oct 6-12. So for Thanksgiving dinner, both bigs would miss cadets, the cadet camp (bus was leaving 3 pm fri but ex wanted to bring them home at 6), 2 online classes in which he said they would miss because this would be a vacation week...these are high school level classes that they can not miss, dd13 would miss 6 hours of dance classes, and of course all their normal school work which he would not give them to do.


Yeah not happening. So he says "well that's why you homeschool so they can have time off whenever you want"...umm nope I homeschool because I want them to have a good education. This coming from the guy that hates that I homeschool and tells the kids often they should live with him so they could go to the ps and get a real education.




So now they will not see him until the weekend of Nov 10-11. They will miss the rememberance day ceremony with the cadets but he will get his visit.


Seriously what the heck was he thinking??

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Another one that earned a sign this week was my dd13. I told her 3 times to put her dance bag away on Tuesday night. Wed morning I see it on the kitchen floor so I yell at her to pick it up before her ballet slippers get eaten by the dog. Well she saved the ballet slippers, but not before the dog ate one of her brand new jazz shoes.


The new ones were sent on the bus this morning. In the meantime she has earned her stupid sign.

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On the street to turn into my mom's apartment high rise was a sign posted :


WARNING: Undercover Police Surveillance going on.



I kid you not. :D


I wanted to get a pic of it, but was unable too.






I would totally make a sign to hang under it


WARNING: Surveillance of undercover police surveillance going on

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A tennis tournament director accused me of cheating because my son is sick and needs to forfeit his first game and then we would see about the pm game.... He was so rude. His incompetence earned him the stupid card. And never did he ask how my son was feeling.

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