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If Saxon Math didn't work for you??


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My dd will be starting 2nd grade next month. She's finished all but 20 lessons of Rod and Staff's 1st grade math. The last month or two she has been complaining about all the problems on the page, no big deal, I then have her do only half or something. The thing is, I can't find out what kind of bent she has towards math. My older dd is easy. R&S was perfect for her. I'm not so sure about this little dd.


Dh and I have been considering another math program for her. We were given Saxon 2 free (and I might be able to get Saxon 3 free, too). We are also considering Math U See. This dd is very hands on. That we do know. I just saw in RR catalog that Saxon uses all kinds of manipulatives as well.


How long was it before you realized Saxon didn't work for your child? I guess I'm trying to figure out if we go with Saxon if I'll waste a whole year trying to figure out that it didn't work or if I'll know right away, so I can switch. Does that make any sense? :confused:


I hate to change programs more than once. It would be easier if I knew what kind of math would "click" with this dd.


Any advice or help would be great. Thank you!



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I was introduced to Saxon Math when my ds was completing 2nd grade. We were given the workbooks, and completed some of the assignments. I made the switch when we started 3rd grade. I was pleased with the format, and the thoroughness of the script provided enabled my ds to understand the concepts. We continued the program half-way through 4th grade. It was difficult for him to copy the problems from his student workbook onto another piece of paper, so we switched to Abeka.


My dd has used Saxon K, 1, and I just ordered 2 for her. I thought that I would switch to Abeka with her, but after 3 days it's not working. The only reason I switched was b/c my ds was using Abeka. I know, if it's not broke don't fix it.:tongue_smilie: That was my lesson learned.


Since you didnt't have to purchase Saxon 2, maybe give it a run with her to see if it is a good fit. If not, continue with what you are using. IMHO, you will know after the first few lessons or so whether or not you will want to continue using it.



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I have used saxon with dd for grades 2nd through 4th. I love the program and she does not. She does not like it because of all the problems she has to do. She just looks at it and wines about it. For 2nd and 3rd grade I only had her do the front page of the worksheets, as long as she got 80% or better. That seemed to help some. For 5/4 I made a math worksheet that helped her organize the problems and I copied the ones that I could. She still wined almost everyday. As for Saxon using all kinds of manipulatives, you do use them but not that often. If your dd does not like to work the math problems I would not do saxon with her. I myself am looking for a new program this year, just because she does not like to work the problems. We looked at Horizon and she seems to like the way the workbooks look with fun things in it to solve. We may give this a try.

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Saxon works for some and not for others. My dd11 started in 7/6 this past year and she did fine. On to 8/7. My ds8 started in Saxon 3 and did fine as well. Since 5/4 is the text format and he complains at having to write out the problems and also if there are too many problems (like in 5/4!), we are switching to Singapore. He'll likely fly through 2A and 2B (as he has done mult.) and then to 3A where it will get harder.


Now, my ds10 hated Saxon. He started in 5/4 and complained that the text didn't give him enough problems to really "get" the concept. Ah, he didn't like spiral. So we switched to MUS for him...mastery. He loves it. Ds7 also hated Saxon. Not sure why as he was only in Saxon 1. Hmmm...not sure what his deal was. So, I have MUS and Singapore to test on him. Will probably go with Singapore. I like the short lessons and so will he.


Rod and Staff is similar to Saxon...but there is more review of the concept presented (so I've heard). When I looked at a copy of Rod and Staff, my eyes started to blur. The pages were even more busy than Saxon (IMO). Then again, in reviewing Saxon 8/7...my eyes started to blur as well. :glare: We'll see how it all goes. You could try MUS realizing it is a completely different scope and sequence than R&S or Saxon or even Abeka. Or, since you have Saxon, I'd do that. The elem. years of Saxon don't have too many problems to complete.

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Don't change until you are SURE R&S isn't a good fit. It may not be broken, kwim? Slow down or speed up as she needs. Add in your own manipulatives where needed.


YOu will be doing yourself and your dd a favor by sticking with one curriculum.

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I liked Saxon but the more children I have to teach the less time I have to teach it. Sigh. It worked great for my 2nd daughter. We are switching to Christian Light math instead , it teaches in a spiral incremental way but is a little bit more challenging then Saxon math.


I would give it a try and see if it does work. The levels K , 1, 2, and 3 are the foundation to the rest of the higher math. So she maynot have all her facts down pat until grade 3 and that is the way the program is set up to be.

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Thanks! I really appreciate the help. Dh said that maybe we should give it a go for a couple weeks and then, if it doesn't work, switch. I think that I'm leaning that way. I gave dd the placement test this morning and she breezed through their K & 1st sections. I guess that means she is right on track to start 2nd. Of course, their placement test did not cover ANY addition or subtraction facts, which I thought was strange.


I'm glad to know that I should be able to tell in a few weeks if it's a go for dd or a bomb. That helps me be ok with giving it a try.


Thanks again.



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We used Saxon 2 and 3 with our first dd. She was fine until we got to 5/4. The new concepts added each day were simply too much for her. She needs LOTS of repetition, so we switched to MUS. She is behind grade level, but happier to do math now. My younger dd is finishing Saxon 3 now with no problems. I think it really depends on the type of learner. We are so fortunate to have many programs to choose from, as they are not "one size fits all." Give anything new a good try, but if it isn't working, don't feel obligated to keep it up because it's supposed to be a great program. Good luck!


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