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All about Spelling basic or deluxe?


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I'm looking at AAS for my struggling speller. I have 2 kids younger than him so it should get use. I was wondering if it was really necessary to get the deluxe interactive kit or if the basic was just fine. I need to be very money consious but want to get what I need.

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We've just started AAS, but I don't think the Deluxe Interactive Kit is necessary at all. I do like the Spelling Review Box to keep everything neat and organized, but I'm sure you could find a cheaper option. I have the bag and the stickers and haven't used either :glare:. My son decided he wanted to use the stickers we already had and I keep the box and manual on top of our workboxes.


If I could go back I would have just purchased the basic kit and added on the review box.

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I bought mine used, which included the box. There are a LOT of cards (we have 1 and 2), so I'd suggest you spring for the box if you can afford it. If not, you could just use index card boxes and maybe a kids shoe box. We don't use the charts and stickers to track which step. I don't have the bag, and don't miss it. It all sits on our school shelf.

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I agree that I'm not a fan of anything in the deluxe kit other than the box, so I bought those separate as I was using AAS before they had the kits and you bought it all separate. I love the boxes, so I'm happy I got that, and I bought the CD way back when and we never use it.

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  • 2 months later...

We found a great substitute for the spelling review box at Target. It is called the Itso Small Tapered Fabric Bin. Costing around $7 (they went on sale for less recently) and coming in several color options, the itso small tapered fabric bin makes a nice choice. The size is perfect for fitting the cards and also the book which tucks in on the side (it does stick out of the box but we don't mind). We use these bins for workboxes. Enjoy!


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I didn't get the box (I used an old gift box for the Level 1 cards). And after Level 1, I didn't even get the student workbook with the cards. We just work through the teacher's guide. Granted, I only have 1 child, and I'm able to keep track of what rules he needs to review without the cards. But if you're on a really, really tight budget, you might be able to get away with just the teacher's guide -- you can always make your own review cards out of index cards if you want.

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  • 2 months later...

We bought the basic kit, and later I purchased one box and then a second, all if the cards won't fit in one box now that my soon is doing Level 5 (I purchased 5 & 6 together ). Working with two children I have two sets of magnets too but that isn't necessary.


If you are on a tight budget then the basic has all you need, you can get another file box or store them in another way.

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Blondeviolin and StartingOver, did you make your own divider cards? Or did you buy the ones from made from AAS? http://www.allaboutl...-divider-cards/


For one kid, I bought the divider cards. I really like them because they're laminated and nice looking. For the other kid, I cut down some index cards to fit my box/cards and colored the tops and labeled what they were. They were just as functional, just not as pretty-looking.


Though, when I got the first package of cards/student pack, there were punch-out divider cards that were functional but not as pretty as the ones I paid extra for. They were better than my index cards, though. At the time, I had the nicer cards, so I chucked them. Since I have two students doing AAS now, I wish I would have kept them.


BUT, it's mostly a moot point because we don't actually use the cards much at all. :p With only two kids working through the program, I remember what words they struggle with and they don't pass a level until they can spell all of the words on that specific list without struggle. It makes the going slower, but that's okay because they're ahead and it's cheaper for me.

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