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TabletClass Pre-Algebra

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Hi All,


This is just a heads up for those considering various math options.


We demo'd several Pre-Algebra programs for ds11. These included Lials, MUS, KineticBooks, Derek Owens and TabletClass. We actually purchased the first two and used MUS for the first ~ 6 chapters. While MUS was well put together I was looking for something a bit more challenging. In demoing the others we ended up liking TabletClass the most. So we purchased it ~ three weeks ago and have been enjoying it.


I found it somewhat odd that TabletClass is not mentioned very often. However I did find a recommendation of it on the HS forum here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=412675&highlight=tabletclass


Some of the things I really like are:

1. Full lectures with very clear instruction

2. Complete Step by Step solutions explained via video

3. Discusses common mistakes and how to avoid them

4. Great customer service with quick response to any questions

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That's great to know. Thanks for sharing! Gosh, there are just so many options! How to pick??? Do you feel like it is more challenging than the MUS? Did you also look at the Chalkdust series?


Hi Grantmom,


Yes, it does seem more challenging overall than MUS Pre-A. Actually KB and Derek Owens did as well. Though I must be fair and say that we didn't finish MUS Pre-A and it does appear to get more challenging in the later parts of the book. And since we already own it we will probably integrate it in, just not use it as the spine. My son is the only one in our family to use MUS exclusively from Primer all the way through Pre-A. I was really looking for the best place to jump off MUS and on to something else for secondary math. And IMO Pre-A is a good place once negative numbers are covered.


Honestly, I did not demo Chalkdust. For many of the other Pre-A programs out there like Chalkdust, AoPS, TT, Horizons, Saxon, etc... I read their reviews along with threads discussing known pros/cons to get a feel for best fit. That's how I start with a wider net and then narrow down to a smaller subset for us to test out. I'll take this same approach for Algebra-Calculus.

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Derek, why does he label some of his YouTube vids as MUS? Are they connected?


No, there is no connection to MUS. I think it may just be a youtube tag or something possibly to compare his lectures with other comparable programs.

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Interesting. Some T


Yes, the way I read those is that TabletClass can help students better understand concepts they may be struggling with in other programs. VideoText, Saxon and ALEKS are also discussed in this way.


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Clever marketing. :)


Yes, I think so. ;)


BTW, speaking of marketing you can get a substantial discount on the cost of the program if you demo it first. You will have a period of time to purchase it at the reduced rate of $119/yr, down from $179/yr.

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I had to chime in and say that I started using Tabletclass last week with ds13 after I learned of it through Derek, and we like it. It does a great job breaking things down and I think one of the best parts is that you can print off the lessons notes for examples. So when ds gets stuck he just looks at his notes for that lesson, and he is able to solve the problem. This is only our second week, but so far so good!

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Can the Tablet Class users clear something up? I looked over the website (albeit quickly), and I could not tell whether this requires an internet connection or runs stand alone. I am about to go with Kinetic Books Pre-Algebra but am always willing to look at another before I pull the trigger. But, I HAVE to have a stand alone program - we do not have a consistent internet connection and so far Kinetic Books looks good (we are doing the free trial right now).

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Can the Tablet Class users clear something up? I looked over the website (albeit quickly), and I could not tell whether this requires an internet connection or runs stand alone. I am about to go with Kinetic Books Pre-Algebra but am always willing to look at another before I pull the trigger. But, I HAVE to have a stand alone program - we do not have a consistent internet connection and so far Kinetic Books looks good (we are doing the free trial right now).


Catherine, TabletClass was designed to be downloadable to Tablets, hence the name. So you could download the lessons to watch at another time offline on a computer or smaller device. I will include a section from the user's guide describing this:


Many parents and students have very tough and demanding schedules, so the ability to download math lessons and learn anywhere is a great benefit for TabletClass members. All lesson videos can be downloaded to mobile devices that play a .m4v video. TabletClass videos are specifically designed to be viewed on smaller devices with sharp and clear resolution. Examples of mobile devices that support this file format are iPods, iPhones, Droid cell phone, PSP, Zune and others. -- http://www.tabletclass.com/homeschool/homeschool_guide.pdf


Also the chapter review notes, worksheets, tests and keys can all be downloaded as PDFs as well.


The one thing I discovered with KineticBooks is that the Homeschool version only comes in a Web Format. You could buy the standard version for offline use. But it doesn't come with the HS pacing guide and possibly other things. That's just something to consider when thinking about offline work with KB. The other major difference for us was that KB does not have a solutions manual of any kind, only the answers to the odd problems. While some of us like KB that became a problem along the way, whereas for others it wasn't as much of an issue. Just something to consider. The good news with KB is that they offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not happy with it. So if it doesn't work out you can get a refund within that timeframe.

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I received further clarification on the internet connectivity question from the author, John Zimmerman. Here is his response:


Thanks for asking me for additional information on these questions. With respect to this one, yes TabletClass is an online application so a member needs to have a good stable connection to the internet.


All the best,



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  • 2 weeks later...
I've never heard of TabletClass but I just watched a bit of the samples and I'm going to sign up for the trial for dd, this might actually be a better fit then the TT we've used the past 2 years.


Glad to hear it BlueTaelon. That's the main reason I posted the review since I hadn't even heard about it until reading a thread on the HS forum. After trying it I thought it was too good to be mentioned so rarely. ;)

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  • 3 months later...



As I stated in the other thread it has been going great for us so far. ds11 has learned more this year and has been challenged more than any other. ds11 is ~ 90% independant using it. I help him whenever he has questions. I can highly recommend it.


I sent John Zimmerman your question last night and he already responded. See below.


Hi Derek,


We removed the free trial but we will be adding a free demo- the link is below. Also I gave you a link to a homeschool blog I’m creating with all TabletClass lesson videos- this will be my main focus going forward to help homeschoolers everywhere please feel free to pass the link on. My blog is not quite finished but is does have all the lesson videos posted and gives anyone interested in TabletClass a great first look at what the courses offer.


All the best!







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  • 7 months later...

Derek-just wanted to thank you for alerting me to tablet class. My son is doing great with it. I think it is challenging but at just the right level, and he is really getting the concepts well. He is about 80% independent, but tha 20% is mostly because he likes my company ;)


Glad to hear Halcyon.  I know you weren't sure where to go with him after Dolciani. So I'm glad he's liking it.  


Just an FYI if you haven't noticed.  TC Pre-A actually covers over half the TC Algebra course.  So for Algebra 1 you could either use another program or TC in combination with something else.  Also remember to encourage him that he is doing 'Real Algebra' now when it get's challenging.  :thumbup1:  I supplemented with AoPS lectures and sample work along with Khan during the most difficult parts just to present more than one perspective on a topic such as linear equations.

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  • 4 months later...

just wanted to post that DS11 has now bumped up to Algebra with TabletClass, and it's still going well. Overall I am very happy with this program. It provides a nice set of challenge problems, great answer videos and clear instruction. DS really understands the math.

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just wanted to post that DS11 has now bumped up to Algebra with TabletClass, and it's still going well. Overall I am very happy with this program. It provides a nice set of challenge problems, great answer videos and clear instruction. DS really understands the math.


Great to Hear Halcyon.  :thumbup:
You've now gone as as far as we went with TC.  Actually we moved into AoPS this year after TC Pre-A last year.  One thing I realized which was confirmed in an email from John Zimmerman was that once you've completed Pre-A you have finished ~ first half of Algebra 1.   I think that level of skill really helped DS12 move more seamlessly into AoPS.  We may finish the second half TC Algebra 1 after he finishes AoPS Intro to Algebra (ch. 1-13).  He's now in ch. 10.  
Since your DS is still so young are considering additional Algebra 1 work in parallel or after TC once he completes it?  Or will you move into Geometry next? Just curious.
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I think we'll move to Geometry. Or we might use some fun math resources that I've collected over the years. Do you find Aops intro to algebra more doable than the Pre-A? The Pre-A knocked us for a loop.


I find AoPS Intro to Algebra to be a great text overall and very challenging.  We only used AoPS Pre-A in limited way.  We used the Pre-A videos and Chapter samples as supplements, especially the one of linear equations which ds12 liked.  But we didn't own the text to do a full comparison.  However the consensus on the forum from those who used both seemed to be that the Pre-A text was harder to use, especially given the subject matter for that level of student.  I will say that even the Intro to Algebra text, while very well written, is not for every child.  In fact I'm not sure I'll use it with either of my daughters.  The level of questions especially as things progress are really difficult.   Sometimes they seem a little over the top except for math competitions and brain twisters.  Don't get me wrong, ds12 really likes the book overall.  But unlike some I think he's fine with skipping some which I will allow after reviewing them.


I look forward to hearing how TC Geometry goes.

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I had never seen this math before. Thanks for sharing! Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on using it as a supplement to another program? We do K12 through a VA. Wondering if it would be too much extra work to add this on?




I think TC could work great as a supplemental resource.  You basically pay for the length of time you use it.  So you could buy 6 months worth for example then use it to review, reinforce and build on concepts learned in another program.  The best way to do this is to take the chapter tests and look for areas which need strengthening/improvement.   Then focus in on those areas of the program listening to the lectures and working the problems.  Here is a free demo:  http://www.tabletclass.com/courses/prealgebra.aspx


Although I've not used K12 here is a mapping I've done of TC to other classic algebra texts:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AppFiwxVFUEidC14YUFWV3BxbWtrRlR1WGpsdUQ2cFE&usp=sharing

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