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Best US History Program for 7th Grader?


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We are secular and want a curriculum/book series/textbooks, etc. that are appropriate for our 7th grade daughter. The program has to be fun, interesting, inexpensive (a little bit costly is ok, but it has to be worth the price!) and not dry.


She is not really into US History, but I would like to give her an overview at this point (first year of homeschool) and really get into it next year.


I was thinking Steck-Vaughn America's Story, The Complete Edition or Call to Freedom by Holt.


Has anyone used either of these? Any suggestions?

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You might try Joy Hakim's History of the US, and check out a bunch of movies based on US History for the fun part. Sometimes this mix of reading and watching can bring history to life. Like the recent HBO John Adams series, or 1776 (the musical). While many are not 100% accurate, they can at least make the facts more interesting to the student who otherwise would not be interested.



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is not inexpensive but does meet most of your other criteria. It's based on History of US, which would be the most expensive part of the core. If you can get History of US through a libary, you could pick up the Instructor's Guide for cheap used and then buy any other readers, etc that you want but aren't available through your library (omitting the ones that are too religious for you -- there may be a couple). If you can't get History of US through a library, then the core would be pricey.

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I'll second History of Us (which you can probably find at your library, if necessary) -- it's really fantastic. And Jenny's recommendation for the HBO John Adams is great too -- it was absolutely the highlight of my kids' year, and made all of that information surrounding the Revolutionary War really come alive for them. (And the dvds have a cool pop-up-history feature that adds to the educational value.)

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You might try Joy Hakim's History of the US, and check out a bunch of movies based on US History for the fun part. Sometimes this mix of reading and watching can bring history to life. Like the recent HBO John Adams series, or 1776 (the musical). While many are not 100% accurate, they can at least make the facts more interesting to the student who otherwise would not be interested.





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History of Us (Joy Hakim.)

My ds has not been enthusiastic about history. However, Hakim's series has made it interesting for him and light. I supplemented topics that he showed particular interest in. The series provides a fantastic overview of U.S. history in an engaging style.

Check out the Oxford teaching guides for a more intensive study of the series. I highly recommend it.

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We are going to use History of US combined with Teaching Company's Early American History DVDs. I think the DVDs are still on sale and I bought the History of US set used. (It can be pricey new.) We loved the John Adams mini-series as well and will add a few historical fiction pieces.

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I was thinking Steck-Vaughn America's Story, The Complete Edition or Call to Freedom by Holt. Has anyone used either of these? Any suggestions?


I would personally advise staying far far away from America's Story. It's written for remedial readers, and for a 7th grader, especially if she's bright, it will be a BIG YAWN!


I vote for Teaching Company DVD's over textbook anytime.

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