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AWANA Parents, I have a question about Cubbies.

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AWANAs started over here last night but the kids were too sick to go. I had dh go over anyway and register, hoping we could get the books and start working on them so the kids wouldn't be behind, but they wouldn't give them to dh. Last year ds5.5 did Sparks and he had to learn John 3:16 and the pamphlet questions to get his vest and book. Ds3 is starting Cubbies this year and they wouldn't tell dh what he had to do to get his vest. Can someone on here tell me, please? Is there a verse we could be working on? And is there another one to earn the next Sparks book? Ds5.5 missed several classes due to sickness last year and he just barely finished his book. I hate the idea of starting the year a week behind already. :(

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Did they have a registration day? Or the AWANAs kickoff? Our AWANA church has had registration, but no kickoff yet. They are not handing out the "1st day" booklets until kickoff because they want everyone to be on the same page starting out.


Here's a link that has the cubbies entrance booklet details:


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Reading more, I see that they all have to work on the same sections at the same time? How is that possible? Do they have to wait for everyone to finish? How many kids get left behind? And the kids who know it can't move on? That doesn't seem great.

At ours it's pretty low-key. I was worried about the same issue, but it never came into play, even though I barely worked on verses with my dd, and I KNOW she didn't know her verses before she showed up.


They do one section a week. They don't make the kids who know it wait - they just work with the ones who don't. And our leaders weren't huge sticklers on it like they were with Sparks or T&Ters (or Trek & Journey - those are tough!). If they miss a week due to sickness they just work on the missed verses too, I believe.


If all else fails, feel free to call and talk to your Cubbies director - that's one reason they are there!:001_smile:

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At ours it's pretty low-key. I was worried about the same issue, but it never came into play, even though I barely worked on verses with my dd, and I KNOW she didn't know her verses before she showed up.


They do one section a week. They don't make the kids who know it wait - they just work with the ones who don't. And our leaders weren't huge sticklers on it like they were with Sparks or T&Ters (or Trek & Journey - those are tough!). If they miss a week due to sickness they just work on the missed verses too, I believe.


If all else fails, feel free to call and talk to your Cubbies director - that's one reason they are there!:001_smile:


Thank you! :001_smile:

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Reading more, I see that they all have to work on the same sections at the same time? How is that possible? Do they have to wait for everyone to finish? How many kids get left behind? And the kids who know it can't move on? That doesn't seem great.


Yes. in Cubbies, everyone works on the same section at the same time. Its much different than Sparks/T&T. They do the lesson, etc. all based on the story for the day. You read the story and go over it with the kid, etc. I felt it was nice for my son and age-appropriate at the time.


At our church, even at the Sparks/T&T level they put a limit to how many sections you can say in one week. The goal here is NOT to be superstars but to support each other and learn to love God's word.

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Reading more, I see that they all have to work on the same sections at the same time? How is that possible? Do they have to wait for everyone to finish? How many kids get left behind? And the kids who know it can't move on? That doesn't seem great.


I've helped out with Cubbies for several years, and this is how it works:


During the week you read the story with your child, do the little activity, and learn your verse. If you are a superstar Cubbie parent, your child will actually know the verse when they get to club the next week.


When you get to AWANA, they will have a little puppet show and go over the verse they were supposed to learn several times. Then they break into smaller groups and say their verse to the teacher. The kids all hear each other say it, so this isn't usually a problem. Some three year olds can hardly talk, but the listeners aren't picky. They don't usually even worry about the bible reference, just the verse itself. Pretty much, if you show up to club, you will get your book signed off.


If you miss a week, your teacher will usually have you do last week's verse and this week's verse to keep everyone on the same page. It is intended to be non-competitive. Even the games are supposed to be non-competitive.


Obviously, you can put as much or as little effort into Cubbies as you want. It's just supposed to be a fun experience with a devotional-type Bible lesson each week. Oh, and the puppets are awesome! (At least the kids think so)

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At ours it's pretty low-key. I was worried about the same issue, but it never came into play, even though I barely worked on verses with my dd, and I KNOW she didn't know her verses before she showed up.


They do one section a week. They don't make the kids who know it wait - they just work with the ones who don't. And our leaders weren't huge sticklers on it like they were with Sparks or T&Ters (or Trek & Journey - those are tough!). If they miss a week due to sickness they just work on the missed verses too, I believe.


This is how Cubbies is at our Awana. Our program is 2 hours so the Cubbies have free play during the first hour. (During the second hour they do the lesson, then work on verses/craft/coloring, then snack.) If any of the kids have missed a week the leader takes them aside for a couple minutes during free play to catch up on their verses. Pretty much all they do is repeat after the leader. Very low-key.

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The first things to learn are the Cubbies motto "Jesus loves me," and the Cubbies key verse...."God loved us and sent His Son" I John 4:10.

Then A is for All...All have sinned. Romans 3:23. And C is for Christ "While we were sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


That's the whole pamphlet, and when they finish it they get their books. I think most clubs take at least 2 weeks to work on the pamphlet.



Sparks do not have to redo the pamphlet every year. I can't imagine why they wouldn't let your DH buy the Wing Runner book. Anyway, the first several sections are review of John 3:16 and the S.P.A.R.K.S. verses.


Hope this helps!

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The first things to learn are the Cubbies motto "Jesus loves me," and the Cubbies key verse...."God loved us and sent His Son" I John 4:10.

Then A is for All...All have sinned. Romans 3:23. And C is for Christ "While we were sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


That's the whole pamphlet, and when they finish it they get their books. I think most clubs take at least 2 weeks to work on the pamphlet.



Sparks do not have to redo the pamphlet every year. I can't imagine why they wouldn't let your DH buy the Wing Runner book. Anyway, the first several sections are review of John 3:16 and the S.P.A.R.K.S. verses.


Hope this helps!

That does help a lot, thank you for letting me know we need to review the S.P.A.R.K.S verses. They let my husband PAY for the books but they told him the kids had to come to a meting to get the books.

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Yes. in Cubbies, everyone works on the same section at the same time. Its much different than Sparks/T&T. They do the lesson, etc. all based on the story for the day. You read the story and go over it with the kid, etc. I felt it was nice for my son and age-appropriate at the time.


At our church, even at the Sparks/T&T level they put a limit to how many sections you can say in one week. The goal here is NOT to be superstars but to support each other and learn to love God's word.


Exactly that. I was a Cubbies helper for a few years and I had kids at the table who had the verse down cold and others who would look at me vacantly while chewing a crayon. At three and four, we just held their hands through it. All the kids got patches together.

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