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ahhhh - I can't stand it!!!!

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My husband readily admits, although not in front of the children, that even if we had all the money in the world he would never want to be a full time stay-at-home-parent. And not just because he loves his job, but also because he just does not want to be with the children all day, every day. I cannot possibly imagine that he loves the children any less than I do. And he loves being a father. He just doesn't want to be a SAHP. But of course, he's not a woman, so nobody judges him for this or questions why he had children in the first place.

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Well, my two littles (2 and 4) start PreK next week and I am looking forward to it. I love those kids like crazy but I do appreciate that they can go to a safe, nurturing place and finger paint and glue cotton balls and googly eyes on paper plates and I don't have to be involved in those messes. Do I love homeschooling my 7 year old? Sometimes. Am I doing it because it is the best choice for her? Yes.


I'm not homeschooling because I want to be with my kids all the time. At times that is an added bonus but honestly, I think every relationship is well served with a bit of time apart here and there. I do fantasize about having all the kids in school and having time to work out and take sewing lessons. I don't think that makes me a bad mom, it simply means I crave some independent time here and there. I don't necessarily see moms who are finding a silver lining in sending their kids off to school by admitting they are looking forward to not dealing with fighting and messes all day long as being inferior to me because I choose to homeschool. :tongue_smilie:

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Well - to put it in another perspective.....

I don't understand women who don't like their husbands around all the time. They complain about homeschooling when they are home; some military wives can't wait for the next time their Dh is away. They obviously love their husbands, but enjoy time apart as well. I suppose that because my DH is hardly ever home, I can't relate.

This can certainly be applied to kids. I also think it is healthy that the older kids get, the more independent they become and the more time away from mom they spend.

I enjoy when my kids are off somewhere for a while, I miss them, but I get a lot done, and we all come back together refreshed with stories to share.


:iagree: With a husband who works 100% of the time from home, I agree. For me, I can't imagine him not being here every single day, all day. He is such my best friend that when people comment that they can't imagine being around their husbands every day and how terrible that would be, it makes me sad for them. I'm sad for you that your husband is gone much more than just an 8 to 5 when deployed. That's amazing! However, I'm happy to hear someone else who really enjoys LOTS of time with their husband, :)


I feel the same way about time spent away from our boys as well. A few weeks ago my husband and I went to Costa Rica together and in a couple of weeks we're going to San Diego together. We'll miss our guys but we'll all have a great time together when we get back. It's a bit of a rejuvenation. :)

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My husband readily admits, although not in front of the children, that even if we had all the money in the world he would never want to be a full time stay-at-home-parent. And not just because he loves his job, but also because he just does not want to be with the children all day, every day. I cannot possibly imagine that he loves the children any less than I do. And he loves being a father. He just doesn't want to be a SAHP. But of course, he's not a woman, so nobody judges him for this or questions why he had children in the first place.


Yes, this. Mine is really happy that I do it, but he'd never want to do it.


I've had friends tell me they could never be a SAHM. They still love their kids.


My kid's grandparents routinely take one or both of them for overnights or weekends, both sides live close so that's at least 1.5 weekends a month they are gone. I miss them, but I also enjoy the time I have. I organize, read, get together with friends, or any number of things.


I wouldn't be unhappy if that stopped, but I do look forward to it when I know it's coming.


FWIW, though, my FB was filled with "Going to miss my guys, but happy to get back into the groove" or "Summer went too fast, but my girl is now a 1st grader" or "Can you believe I'm old enough to have a high schooler? Crazy!"


People love their kids, but not everyone is cut out to be the sole care taker 24/7.

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Hmmmm ... I guess I'm one of those horrible mum's who shouldn't have had kids:tongue_smilie:


I fantasize about sending my kids to school to get some alone time. I would dearly love to wave them off each day and spend 6 hours without them - run errands alone ..oh bliss...


I don't though because it is better for them to be at home so I make the sacrifice.


I doubt I would ever be the mum celebrating with mimosas at the bus stop:confused: but I wouldn't be crying my eyes out either.


My DS goes to Pre-K 3 days a week -I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a great feeling to only take two kids on errands with me instead of three.


My DH is a school principal amd I HATE school holidays with him home and count down the days till he goes back:tongue_smilie: It's because he ruins our routine - he gets bored ad then gets on my nerves and he messes up the house (sounds like the PS kids ) :lol: so i can totally see why parents would breath a sigh of relief when their kids head back.

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