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Would you let your 7 1/2 yr old go on a forum for a specific interest?

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I found a forum at cornsnake.com that looks like a good fit for DD-in lurking on the boards, they seem to be on-target, pretty polite, and either well moderated or just plain generally polite, and focused on snakes and on their care. I think DD would really enjoy having "live" people to bounce her questions off of and learning from them, seeing pictures of their pets. I think they're using the same engine as the Hive.


I e-mailed the board owner, and he's OK with my setting up an account for her as long as he has something on file giving permission. He would set up private messages so they come to me first and I'd have to approve them before DD would see them. We could choose whether or not to make her age visible. There are other young participants, but most are more like 13-18, not almost 8. I would have full access to the account and be able to monitor everything she has posted and has been said in response.


DD LOVES going to AFOL events where she's the only child (and was actually invited to do so by members, despite the minimum age usually being 15, and does quite well there. I think most folks forget that she's as young as she is.


So...good idea? Bad idea? We're going to a reptile trade show/convention this weekend, and I'm hoping to find a local reptile group for her to join, but I know that I benefit greatly from having both local groups and online ones. But...at the same time, she's not even 8 yet!

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It sounds like you've investigated it carefully. Personally, I would provide the option for her to use the board under your supervision. Especially on a forum where people tend to be kind and well behaved, this is a great opportunity to learn Internet etiquette. I would not have her age displayed. I also would have no problem with participating in the community group with adults as long as you provide supervision. Some of the best parts of our homeschool life have come as a result of using community resources like that and getting to know mentors and people with similar interests.


Really both of these things seem much safer than letting a kid go on You Tube alone (and that's something tons of people do without even thinking about it).

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I would allow it, but I would require that she let me know each time she was logging on, and I would have to be near by (as in, she sits at the kitchen table while I cook dinner, etc). I wouldn't want to rely completely on 'after the fact' supervision (checking her posts and replies).


When my kids wanted to join forums, we sat down somewhat formally and went through the internet etiquette and safety rules. Yes, we had been covering safety as they were allowed any internet access, but we felt it was important to go over everything again, and to address at some length the dangers specific to online 'communities' as opposed to more impersonal sites.


And then review, review, review.

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