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Mad! Ds has 3 wk theatre production and 3 lines!

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I know my novice child won't be getting the lead in the play. On the other hand why would the another child in the group get a plum role 3 productions in a row? My son was not even asked to read for a lead roll.

The real drag is that I have to drive an hour round trip 2x a day for 3 weeks! My mom sponsored the $350 price tag of this theater camp.

Would you complain? Am I being a stage mom?


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It depends. There are a lot of things that go into making a play or production. I'm assuming in this class the kids get to *do it all* and the lines are just a small part of the whole picture. I think when a kid is first starting, being able to focus on all the rest of the production rather than worrying about memorizing lines is kind of nice. Its also easier to watch how other kids work thier parts and learn from them as well. Is your ds upset about it? Dd had the lead roll in a play one summer and I (and she!) really wished she hadn't auditioned for one with so much to *get right*. Its a lot of pressure, especially for someone new to it all.



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Been there. We stopped our theater group for this same reason. It was frustrating to the children to be ready for more challenge and see complete newcomers getting more lines. It was part favortism and part bad management. It wasn't worth the cost so we moved on.

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Sometimes my kids don't get ANY lines. But a chorus part is still quite a bit of fun and the kids learn a ton of things, one of which is that every cast member counts. If the theater program isn't making each kid feel special, it's time to rethink it. The one my kids perform with is awesome and it's not all about the size of the role. Yep, I tell my kids they would have done a beautiful job with a lead and when one rolls around, they work hard. But they work just as hard and I expect a good attitude even if they are cast as a townsperson.

Three weeks of that drive would be tough even if your dc had 15 lines...we drive 45 minutes each way three times a week for our program so I know what you're going through! Ugh!

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DD's theatre has a specific hierarchy to determine who gets the most desirable roles. Obviously skill plays a part, but how many previous productions they've been involved with; siblings (all about funding), etc. I don't remember it, but DD was disappointed that she didn't get the coveted "Sharpay" role in HSM. SHe was on the cusp, but it was her first play with that theatre. Next time she might, but there has to be some method of determining who gets roles.


Let DS enjoy his experience without feeling your annoyance at his lack of lines. If he loves theatre, it will come. If not, kudos for him trying drama. Many are afraid of public speaking and he's already beyond that! That is something to celebrate :)

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DD's theatre has a specific hierarchy to determine who gets the most desirable roles. Obviously skill plays a part, but how many previous productions they've been involved with; siblings (all about funding), etc. I don't remember it, but DD was disappointed that she didn't get the coveted "Sharpay" role in HSM. SHe was on the cusp, but it was her first play with that theatre. Next time she might, but there has to be some method of determining who gets roles.


Let DS enjoy his experience without feeling your annoyance at his lack of lines. If he loves theatre, it will come. If not, kudos for him trying drama. Many are afraid of public speaking and he's already beyond that! That is something to celebrate :)


I was not annoyed in front of ds. Just said "You're going to learn so much no matter what". I think what you wrote about public speaking is right on for him. He is shy and this will really help him loosen up.

Thanks everyone. Hissy fit averted.


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