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Anyone have low bp in pregnancy?

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The mw just came and my bp was 94/46. It was about the same last time. I'm generally low but not this low. I don't generally feel dizzy when standing but my energy level has been in the toilet this pregnancy. My brain is fried as well and I'm just not feeling my normal pregnant self. I've done some googling and I feel I drink a fair amount, generally several glasses of water a day. I also seen low blood sugar listed as a possible cause, I had those issues w/ #1 but I haven't really felt that way since, although I don't have an official meter. I generously salt foods I feel. Anyone btdt or have some ideas? I'm wondering if it is the cause of my low energy levels or something else.

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That is what my bp looked like with all my pregnancies. My doctors have always told me it is a good thing, as you are at lower risk for preeclampsia. I think your lower energy levels are probably just due to the fact that you have 4 little ones already. With number 6 I felt like I could have fallen asleep standing up. Try to rest as much as you can, hopefully you will perk up!

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Yes. With this current pregnancy as well. Although my pre-preg BP is always low as well (90/60) - it was even lower.


My MW suggested increasing the amount of salty foods I eat and drinking coffee (min. 1 cup per day). It stayed low until about 3-4 weeks ago (I am 33 weeks now) and now it is higher (111/81).


I think the low BP + the anemia were the 2 biggest issues for me through the 1st & 2nd trimester. I was exhausted.......I also thought it might have something to do with being 40 :rolleyes: and chasing around the other 4.


How is your iron these days?

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My bp is not usually this low, usually around 80-90/60 or so.


I don't feel normal though or good, like Martha I'm wore out. I feel this isn't my first time at this and I don't feel it is just due to the number of kids. I haven't had my iron checked yet and wondering if it is an issue. I've had insomnia off and on and even when I'm sleeping decently I still am not feeling near as energetic as usual, it is drastically different compared to my last pregnancies. From reading I see that low bp is associated w/ low energy so I was wondering if that was my problem this time. After talking to the mw I think I'm going to start with a bit of iron to see if that helps but I've never, ever had iron issues or even been close to it, pregnancy or not. I give blood when not pregnant and am always pretty high, however perhaps it is low this time.

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Yes. With this current pregnancy as well. Although my pre-preg BP is always low as well (90/60) - it was even lower.


My MW suggested increasing the amount of salty foods I eat and drinking coffee (min. 1 cup per day). It stayed low until about 3-4 weeks ago (I am 33 weeks now) and now it is higher (111/81).


I think the low BP + the anemia were the 2 biggest issues for me through the 1st & 2nd trimester. I was exhausted.......I also thought it might have something to do with being 40 :rolleyes: and chasing around the other 4.


How is your iron these days?

Is the coffee supposed to raise bp? Or caffeine in general? Or is it just to make you feel better :)


I forgot to mention I'm 28 weeks here. I've been pretty wore out the whole time, although in the first trimester I needed 2-3 naps and I'm surviving without a nap although I sit and lay a lot. Standing wears me out. I generally exercise through pregnancies but this time just trying to do walks has been hard for me and I love walking.

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I wouldn't be concerned with that bp reading. It's not that far off of your baseline.


I would want to check your hemoglobin based on your other symptoms. In addition I would be evaluating your diet and making sure you were taking liquid cal/mag.


I give blood when not pregnant and am always pretty high, however perhaps it is low this time.

You don't mention how far along you are.


Around the 25wk mark the blood volume doubles causing hemodilution. The volume expands and the RBC need to catch up, which causes a physiologic anemia. It's normal and it's important that it happens. Most women bounce back from that expansion just fine. Others really feel it and need a supplement.


Just saw your update with your gestation. Yes, I'd put money on low hemoglobin. Especially when you say standing wears you out. I've had several clients who have had that symptom and after checking them, their hmg is low.

Edited by Heather in OK
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I have always had very low bp as well. With my first I would pass out but with the rest of my pregnancies it was low but I wouldn't pass out (some of them I would get dizzy). I am 35 weeks pregnant and the biggest issue for me is low hemoglobin. From your symptoms I would guess that your hemoglobin is low also. I find that 1 hemoplex a day really helps me. You could also try 1 Spatone iron instead. Those two seem to be the best for absorption and lower likelihood of side effects.

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I do also recommend Hemaplex to clients. For one it is more affordable.


However, I have had a couple clients that respond much, MUCH better to Floradix.


I find that Floradix tastes gross.:confused: I guess that is the price you pay to have a liquid rather than a tablet. Spatone tastes a bit like rusty water but even an ounce of juice covers up the taste.

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If it tastes gross then you probably don't need it. ;)


You can always mix it in some OJ or grape juice. It needs to be taken alongside something with Vit C anyway to aid absorption.


When I have clients who need supplementation, they say it tastes sweet and they crave it. Then suddenly one day it will taste like nails to them. When I re-check, their hmg is normal. ;)

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If it tastes gross then you probably don't need it. ;)


You can always mix it in some OJ or grape juice. It needs to be taken alongside something with Vit C anyway to aid absorption.


When I have clients who need supplementation, they say it tastes sweet and they crave it. Then suddenly one day it will taste like nails to them. When I re-check, their hmg is normal. ;)


When I was tested last month my hemo was at 101 and it is supposed to be above 130. I was mentally congratulating myself for being in the 100's but my doctor had a different opinion. I tend to get that feeling of heaviness in the chest when I am laying down on my back which makes me feel like I am unable to take a deep, satisfying breath. It does go away when my hemoglobin goes up so it is not just my squashed lungs complaining.:D

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