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When should first language lessons be started?


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I know a lot of people start in K, but I think it is great for 1st grade so you can focus on phonics and handwriting in K


That makes sense. I think I've added a bit too much for our prek year. I think I need to simplify (for my sanity). Daughter would be just as happy to do it all. lol. She's very ambitious.

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IMHO, FLL 1/2 could be started in JK (age 4) and then finished up by SK (age 5). It is very gentle, yet very thorough. We started it with DS6 last year when he was 5. I think we could have easily started the year before without any issue.


We love it :001_smile:


ETA: It literally takes just 5-10 minutes a day. Super simple.

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It was recommend in the well trained mind. All they look is a workbook. Am I missing something?


They are just workbooks, but they're good for reinforcing phonics skills. If you have a kid who likes to write (mine does), I think they're a good way to get hat workbook fix while doing something very useful. Some people do them orally, too. Either way, I think they're worth looking at since they're so cheap. If you decide they're not a good fit for you guys, the loss is almost negligible.

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I started it in 1st even for my very advanced LA student (ds6). I could have started it much earlier with him, but I wanted to do it alongside WWE1 and also wanted to keep his K year clutter free. We focus hard on handwriting and starting Spell to Write and Read in K.


Then again, this kid remembers everything from 1 and 2 from listening in to big brother so we're really hitting the poem memorization hard and using the lessons as review.

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I remember stumbling across something that said to start FLL when you hit lesson 140 in OPTGR. It took us until June to get to that point. We started with lesson 27 last Fall.


I think I saw that somewhere too. I'm not sure when we'll get to 140 we are currently on lesson 43 and she's 4.5. We're moving right along with OPGTR. It's a nice book.

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It corresponds really well with WWE 1 and I wouldn't use WWE 1 earlier than 1st. Many use FLL for K, and while you could, it was perfect for 1st for us, and we are loving level 2 for 2nd. For k and 1 they are spending a lot of effort on learning to read, having an easy lesson of FLL was great.

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