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"Oh you're lucky! I wish *I* could be homeschooled!"

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I couldn't have paid these slightly older girls to be more positive to my daughter!


Yesterday was the first day of school here.

We went to the Not back to school park day instead :)

It was fun. My daughter enjoyed playing with a few of the other little girls.


But I know she isn't *totally* sure. She really liked her teacher.

She really liked the kids in her class. She is definitely a social butterfly.

She learned A LOT and had fun doing it. Had a gifted teacher who was able to keep her challenged.


So she gets to gymnastics last night and the girls were talking before class.

She immediately says she is homeschooled and these girls GUSH about how they wish they could be homeschooled.

The one girl made me sad though! She has to get up at 5:30 (!!!) to get to school.

Then she wasn't getting home from the gym til almost 9 and had homework too (who gives homework the first day?!?!).


Anyway, I'm so glad we can be more laid back. My kids are getting up at 7 (yes, we are slackers!).

They can take their time (to some extent) getting their morning routines done.

Then we can do a little school, take a walk, do some more, play, eat, do a little more, relax, play with the neighborhood kids/dad/big brother...

Just an easy going day, ebb and flow, flexible but routine. We start later than school, finish earlier, and probably do more.

And in the mean time are together. Sweet.


Well, we have one more thing I want to do today with each kid. Then we are done :)


I'm glad that homeschooling seems soooooo acceptable, even to other kids :)

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My dc were told that often by friends and peers on teams in sports. By high school even more teens were making comments like this, wishing they had the same opportunities my dc had. Only one dc asked to go to school, but when he realized he could achieve the same goal by hsing, he said he wanted to keep hsing. I can't tell ou the number of times my kids' friends asked me to hs them or told my dc that they wished they could take cc classes while in high school. We had a neighbor boy who would come over on Fridays to see what science experiments ans projects we had done because he lamented that his class does no science. His mother confirmed that.


It does make our dc appreciative of hsing when their friends tell them how lucky they are. My dc were encouraged by it. Their friends' mothers, not so much...


What a wonderful start to your year! Enjoy the adventure!

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