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keeping place for useful info from Hive?

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I have a Word document in outline form with links. It's arranged by subject. When I read about an interesting link or program, I copy it to the document, with a note or two.


I don't do it religiously, but every once and a while there's a post here and I think "wow, that sounds awesome. I want to remember that, or I'll never find it again!"

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Have you ever heard of Microsoft One Note?


It is part of the Microsoft Office set, I think. Anyways, it allows you to take screen clippings, and then organize them into a binder like thing.


I have a 'binder' for homeschooling and a separate one for other tips. Then the homeschooling binder has a page for each subject.


When I see a good tip, or a link I want to remember, I take a screen clipping. Then I file it into my virtual binder. If I am looking for ideas on a certain subject, like 'foreign languages', for example, I can just flip to that 'binder' and 'page' and there is the info right at my fingertips.


I switched to a Mac this year, and sadly, there is no One Note for Macs. I did find something called 'Growly Notes' though, and I use that along with Safari's screen clipper to do basically the same thing. I do like One Note better, though. :(

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I have been bookmarking sites (a lot from suggestions on these forums) since I started homeschooling in 2001. I have my bookmarks arranged in folders, and folders within my folders. So I have "Homeschooling" -> "English" -> "Grammar", or "Homeschooling" -> "Maths" -> "Algebra". In the beginning I thought I might be overdoing it (some folders would only have one link for months), but I am SOOOOO grateful now... Now that my folders are so full but I can still browse them quickly enough to make all the links useful.

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