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Flovent alternatives?

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So I think Flovent makes my six year old act like a whiny, emotional, tantrumming little monster. He's been SUPER melt-downy lately (he's been on flovent for a year now), so I took him off the flovent for a few days as an experiment. I might be imagining things, but it sure SEEMED like he got a lot better right away--better able to control himself, got whiny only when really tired instead of....all the time, etc.


But, really, with the ragweed kicking in, it's not the best time of year for grand experiments. He was fine for a couple of days (he's also on Claritin), but last night he was really congested and wanted the inhaler again. So he took two puffs, slept great, and this morning has had at least 3 big meltdowns and it's not even noon yet. Sigh.


He has mild asthma, but most of his symptoms seem more allergy related. He only has asthma attacks when he runs around in cold weather, and not at all since he's been on the flovent. He's allergic to pretty much everything, according to allergy testing....dust mites (and we could do a better job with that....he has the special covers for his mattress and pillows, but I need to do a better job washing sheets more often, keeping stuffed animals out of his room, dusting, etc. Maybe we could get rid of his carpet sooner rather than later if that would make a big difference). Spring pollen, oddly, seems not to be a big thing for him--it's more the early summer (grass pollen?) and then ragweed in late summer/early fall. He gets headaches and bad nighttime nasal congestion.


Getting long--sorry. anyway, my question is....is there anything other than flovent that will tackle the congestion without the behavioral side effects? We've done the nasal rinses in the past, but it's very hard to convince him to do them, and they seem not to help enough to make it worth the battle. He was also on Nasonex for awhile last year, and that seemed to help, but it eventually starting making his nose all bloody. Plus it's another steroid, so would it have the same side effects? What else is out there? I want him to feel good AND be pleasant--is that really too much to ask?!

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Check with his doctor. My son gets mean when he takes albuterol but he's fine on Xopanex. My husband constantly got thrush on Advair but is fine with singulair and serevent.


So different steroids do have different side effects. It'd be worth trying something else.


Good luck!

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My dd is 8 and takes Respiractin from the HFS, she takes her ventolin before any planned exercise (swimming especially, or if she's going to be running around outside after dusk, etc). She was prescribed Flovent to be taken daily, but she only takes it when she has a cold, or I've noticed she's been using her puffer more than usual, allergy flare ups). It seems to working for us, I don't want her on steroids daily for the rest of her life, and I myself have had asthma my whole life and am used to managing it so I feel comfortable enough with doing this.

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I recommend allergy shots! My ds started them just before he turned 7. He used to have to take Flovent, Nasonex, Singulair... it was awful. We had to slow down the progression for getting the shots (his allergies were so bad), but they have worked wonderfully for him and he now only takes occasional Claritin and a rare puff of his albuterol inhaler.




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  • 2 weeks later...
I recommend allergy shots! My ds started them just before he turned 7. He used to have to take Flovent, Nasonex, Singulair... it was awful. We had to slow down the progression for getting the shots (his allergies were so bad), but they have worked wonderfully for him and he now only takes occasional Claritin and a rare puff of his albuterol inhaler.





I hear such mixed things about allergy shots! they seem to work great for some people and do nothing for others.....it's such a big commitment that I haven't wanted to take the leap yet. But we may well wind up there. Good to hear they worked well for your ds!


Just an update: back from the pediatrician with a sample of (and a prescription for) Patanase. It's an antihistamine nose spray instead of a steroid. Since he only has asthma flare-ups in cold weather, we're trying just that plus the claratin out for now, and then we'll figure out the asthma stuff if he has trouble again this winter (I have his xopenex in case of an unexpected attack, but he hasn't needed it in over a year). She mentioned a different inhaler that doesn't get in his bloodstream as much that we could try if we needed it (maybe the Asmanex that mc26 mentioned?) He's just done the Patanase for 2 nights now, so it's a little early to tell; he sounds a bit stuffy right now, but he's sleeping well at night and seems to feel well. This next month or month and a half is his worst time of year for allergies, so if we can get through that without him being miserable we should be in good shape.


ETA: behavioral issues aside, I'll be really happy if this works and I can get him off the daily steroids and still have him feeling decent.

Edited by kokotg
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