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Applying for Unemployment?

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I have a question, please. My husband was laid off right at 1 1/2 months ago from a job he had for 22 years. He is actively looking/applying for jobs, but so far nothing much is happening. He does have a severance package, but that will run out in a few months as well.


He brought up the subject of applying for unemployment. Now, I know nothing about this and he doesn't know much either. Is this something that is smart to do at this time? Also, will it hurt us in any way to accept unemployment until he finds a good job?


We just want to be sure before we move forward with this decision. Thanks so much and have a wonderful day!!! :)

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I have a question, please. My husband was laid off right at 1 1/2 months ago from a job he had for 22 years. He is actively looking/applying for jobs, but so far nothing much is happening. He does have a severance package, but that will run out in a few months as well.


He brought up the subject of applying for unemployment. Now, I know nothing about this and he doesn't know much either. Is this something that is smart to do at this time? Also, will it hurt us in any way to accept unemployment until he finds a good job?


We just want to be sure before we move forward with this decision. Thanks so much and have a wonderful day!!! :)



My husband was lai off from a job many years ago with a large severance package. He applied for unemployment right away. Benefits weren't immediate....so go apply now. We lived off the severance package and unemployment until he found a job. In fact, part of the process was him going weekly to show the worker how many jobs he applied for. He had to have contact info for every application put in.


So yes, he should have applied already...go today and hopefully you will get benefits coming in quickly.


If you have young children it's worth going through the process of getting WIC. It's a long wait most places but easy enough to do and the food we got from WIC is what kept us doing ok in that situation. In fact, I had juice for 6 months after he found a job b/c you get so much! Milk, cheese, beans, peanut butter, tuna, fresh fruit. It's a lot of food and you get coupons for several months at a time.....you can use them even if your situation changes.....you get the coupons for a set amount of time and then have to show proof of income every few months to get more coupons.


You paid into the system, use it when you need it.

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My dh applied when his pay was drastically cut. While we didn't qualify for monetary benefits, he did still qualify for services such as resume help and notice of jobs that he was qualified to apply for. The demand ios really high in our area for unemployment help so the follow thru has really been my dh's responsability. Don't wait on them to contact you.

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Every state works differently. So, unless someone gives you an answer from your state, take it with a grain of salt.


In NJ, coming from a (lower end) executive job, unemployment worked out well. They didn't make my dh go to weekly meetings! They had professional resume updaters, monthly networking meetings with other executive level job hunters, and headhunters that would call with opportunities. Around here, laid off execs are considered more "on the beach" than "non-perfomers" so keep that in mind.


They understood occasional contract work and had a system in place to handle that. The best part though is that they had a 26 week-and-out-of-the-system plan for entrepreneurship. :) He's had his own start-up now for a few months, and in the several months before that, had enough going on to keep us going. (We also have a good amount of savings, being older and all that).


The only thing I can think of that's a gotcha right away is that they take out minimal taxes -- so be putting aside money for next April 15. The way they figure it is as though you weren't earning at all during the year, which in your case wasn't true.


Now, you will read articles about the stigma of unemployment, but I don't think that means taking unemployment compensation. Your husband is already unemployed. That's a fact.


:grouphug: and good luck to your dh.

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When DH was unemployed our unemployment office offered vocational instruction for free. Our unemployment helped a lot when our severance package ran out. We ended up being unemployed for a little over 2 years. We would not have survived without the unemployment and when it ran out a few months shy of his finding a job we almost lost our home. They were the first mortgage payments we missed in the whole two years.

Don't be ashamed to take unemployment, WIC, or even food stamps. Those are there to help people who need it. Don't add extra strain to your family by worrying about what your going to eat or how your going to pay your bills. Unemployment is already a very stressful state and does not need to be added to by financial worries that could be helped with assistance!

:grouphug: to you and your family! In the midst of all of this take some time to enjoy the extra family time you now have. It's easy to get caught up in the what ifs and the stress, but when you can take a day and go to the park together or play some games it will really help. Or at least it did for us.

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When Dh lost his job a few years ago, not only did he get benefits while he job hunted, but they paid for him to go back to school and finish his degree -- tuition, fees, and a generous book stipend! He actually wasn't even required to actively search for work while in school, but he put in resumes anyway just to keep his name circulating with companies he was interested in (and was later hired by one of them). Go ahead and see what is available where you live.

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You won't know if you don't ask. Look into it, apply even. It won't hurt you in any way, but that you need to jump through whatever hoops your state requires. I know NY requires a weekly online check in. You sign into your account to let them know you're still unemployed. Easy. Depending on how long you accept benefits, they may ask you to attend a seminar once in a while (like, on how to make a resume), but that's it. You guys need to look after yourselves.

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