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Sorry Larla....


It is 5:34 here. New baby woke me up at 1:20. It took an hour to get him to stay lying down, not crying. By then, I was having a coughing fit (*still* getting over pneumonia) and was wide awake. Of course, we have a day planned where everyone needs to be pretty still and quiet most of it (not to mention leaving before 7am). That should prove to be fun. NOT! I already need a nap!

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:grouphug: I hate that. I really do. I've been taking Ambien every night for the past two weeks because I got into such a bad nighttime routine. Some nights I have that Ambien stupor that ladies here have reported, while other nights it still takes me 2 hours to even feel like I'm ready to fall asleep.

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:grouphug: I hate that. I really do. I've been taking Ambien every night for the past two weeks because I got into such a bad nighttime routine. Some nights I have that Ambien stupor that ladies here have reported, while other nights it still takes me 2 hours to even feel like I'm ready to fall asleep.


I'm so glad its working for you, even if a temporary relief. Sometimes we just need a BREAK from the night cycles!!! I've been trying to avoid stronger meds but am taking 'natural' remedies to help me relax etc.... I read a great book on sleep issues and am trying to follow the guidelines (get up when awake, don't just lay there: practice meditation and impecable going-to-sleep habits etc)- and for a week it really helped.


Sigh- last night's episode was brought on by DS waking up because his fan stopped working. The night before it was the carbon monoxide monitor chirping- 2 very valid reasons, so I suppose I should rejoice in that, huh? My brand of insomnia has no discernible reason :)


I really don't mean to complain so much as I know there are far worse circumstances in life...its just the frustration builds over such a meaningless stressor, ya know?

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