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Could use some starting back encouragement...

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SWB has some good ones on PHP website - Homeschooling the Real Child, The Joy of Classical Ed, etc.


Other encouraging audios are available from IEW at: http://www.excellenceinwriting.com/catalog/e-audio

I enjoyed the one on Nature Deficit Disorder (which is the title of a book by a different gentleman) and Teaching Boys and Other Children Who Would Rather Be Building Forts.


And from Circe at http://circeinstitute.org/product-cat/downloads/:

A Few Things Well: Simplifying the Curriculum was very good.



Best wishes to you as you embark on another year of home education.

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I just started reading How to have a Heart for your Kids by Rachael Carmen. I always need to start the year off with reminders of why I'm homeschooling, because there will be days :banghead: like that!!! I will be teaching 4th, 1st and K. I haven't gotten very far in the book but like it so far! I will be praying for you!

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Thanks, Sophia and others.


This..."Every September I feel a wave of self doubt wash over me. It doesn’t matter that I have been home schooling for 12 years; I still question the soundness of my plans and my own adequacy as a mother and teacher.


Although I feel these doubts year in and year out, I don’t entertain them anymore. They were just signs that I was shooting for the wrong goals and fashioning idols out of clay.


I wanted to raise intelligent, articulate children who could succeed in life, and I was trusting they would get there if I just used the right methods. I was focused on worldly success in this life, rather than striving for crowns in the life to come.


God’s Word says that “…some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.†(Psalm 20:7).


Are we trusting in the Lord for the success of our homeschool, or are we trusting in our carefully fashioned plans?

For that matter, how do we define a successful homeschool? Who or what do we look to in our quest for that success?"


speaks volumes to me, right now. Thank you so much. Off to read and pray about Psalm 20.

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I went and talked to a friend of mine who has graduated 4 of her 8 children. I too am nervous about homeschooling 3, one of whom is now in junior high and this will be my 8th year. She said, "It looks like you're noticing that you are at the end of yourself. You now need more than ever to trust that God will lead you through this and give your children what they need." She was right. God will give you and your children all that you and they need. Trust Him.



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I went and talked to a friend of mine who has graduated 4 of her 8 children. I too am nervous about homeschooling 3, one of whom is now in junior high and this will be my 8th year. She said, "It looks like you're noticing that you are at the end of yourself. You now need more than ever to trust that God will lead you through this and give your children what they need." She was right. God will give you and your children all that you and they need. Trust Him.





Sounds like a great friend. Very good insight. :)

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