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Anyone try the Feingold Diet?

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we have been using the Feingold Diet since Feb. and are totally sold. I was uncertain if it would work or not and I hated spending the money, but they do have a money back offer after 30 days if you are unhappy. I was totally amazed how quickly some of our target's behavor's disappeared....PM me if you want....I would be MORE than happy to chat with you. Actually, email me ( kfeusse@aol.com ) I check that way more often.



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Staying away from the food additives eliminated on the Feingold diet shouldn't cost you a lot of money. It's eating a lot of processed foods that is costly.


If you mean the money it costs to join the support group, the Feingold Association, then it may seem like a lot of money but it is so worth it. I joined many years ago and it was the best money I could have spent. Read up on it, try it, see how your family does. It's definitely not a "maybe."


There is a good Yahoo group to get you started: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Feingold-Program4us/ There is also a Facebook page.


Two suggestions further: Take a look at the 14 minute YouTube video on the Feingold Assoc. home page (www.feingold.org) Read the first 50 pages of Why Can't My Child Behave? which is also available on the website.


Bumping this in the hopes others will respond. I too am looking into the Feingold diet and trying to decide if spending that $$ is worth it.:001_unsure:
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My son and I did it for several weeks just to see if it would be much healthier, not because we had real problems. I had babysat for a neighbor boy who was on it and he accidentally had some red food dye one day and came UNGLUED and I saw that maybe food dye is really bad for you.


I didn't think it was too much money, after all there are lots of products that we already used that are okay, even Coca Cola is fine.

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We've been using the Feingold program for about 9 months. I've known for years that my ds is sensitive to food dyes, especially red. It seemed like there were other foods that were triggering "off" behaviors but I wasn't for sure what specifically to look for. I went ahead and ordered the Feingold materials and haven't regretted that at all.


There are whole foods (not artificial) that can cause reactions--apples, tomatoes, and grapes for example--as well as the usual suspects like dyes, preservatives , and other artificial additives. Feingold is an elimination diet, so in Stage 1 you cut out all potentially aggravating foods. Then in Stage 2 you add in the whole foods one at a time to check for reactions. In doing so, I found that my son is sensitive to tomatoes but other Stage 2 fruits such as apples and oranges are fine. Without Feingold I never would have thought that a whole, natural food such as tomatoes would cause a reaction.


For the benefit of the entire family, I like that the food guide and shopping list make it easier to hone in on foods that don't have artificial ingredients. That can be difficult at times with the lax guidelines on what can be labeled as "natural" and so forth. A cereal can say all-natural on the label and look like it has okay ingredients, but then is packaged with BHA/BHT/TBHQ. Or commercially prepared breads don't have to include on their ingredient list what is used to spray the baking pan (oftentimes it has preservatives). The shopping list has a list of 'safe' breads, which you would never be able to tell just reading the package.


In my experience it has been totally worth the money, not only for my son's well-being but for the entire family.

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