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Nausea with anxiety medication

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have you tried taking it at different times, like right before a meal, right after a meal, away from a meal, maybe with a small snack? If you cant make it work for you, just call your doctor back and ask him/her to prescribe something else - there are probably a half dozen different anxiety meds, at least, and with psych meds, every person's reactions are different.


also if you do a search for the drug name, and nausea, you might find other people who have used it and have suggestions.

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I was placed on an anxiety med three or four years ago to treat PMDD... it was HORRIBLE. I would feel like I needed to yawn constantly, and when I did yawn, it would make me gag and become nauseated EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.. It was the weirdest feeling. I dropped the pill and just deal.

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I'm trying to take medication to help with some anxiety I'm having. The medicine makes me so nauseated that I can hardly move from bed or feel like eating. I'm trying to only take it every other day but I really need to take it daily.


Any suggestions?


Ask your dr if you can try a different med. There are a lot of anxiety meds, you are likely to find one that doesn't have that side effect.

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My dr warned me of this when I started on zoloft. She said that it messes with your brain chemistry and so it can cause nausea until your body gets used to it. Mine lasted for about 2-3 weeks and then no problems once I got past the initial yuckiness (though it was right up there with m/s). My guess is that by taking it every other day, you're prolonging the agony.

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Thanks. I know from experience when I was last on medication that all of them seem to make me sick. They are too small to cut in half. I was hoping that by taking every other day I would gradually adjust to the levels in my body and could then increase to every day. I may need to just stock up on crackers and ginger ale and dive in. :(

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What anxiety med are you on?


The older ones, like Tranxene are usually better. I was on a few different anxiety meds and this is one that I can tolerate. Again, it is older but since it has been out since the 60's, I trust these more then the newer ones.


You can always try taking it before bed with some crackers. But you shouldn't have to be dealing with that side effect. Your medication is supposed to make you less anxious, not more anxious because now it is making you sick. Kind of counter-productive?


Ask about Tranxene.



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