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Oh, Dr. Hive. How high is too high?

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DH (39) has high BP. Woke up this morning with killer headache and a little "disoriented" as he put it. His BP readings were 200/126 and then 196/124. What should I do? I am waiting for the Dr's office to open in 30 minutes. Looking up on the internet for guidance is unhelpful so I thought I'd ask the Hive. It might be marginally more helpful. :)

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Thanks all. The doctor's office opened at 8 instead of 8:30 as I found when I tried just to see before I took DH in. We talked for a bit and she had him take his BP again. It had gone down to 186/117. She said since it was downward trending for him to take an extra of his BP meds and and lay down with his feet up and take it again in a half hour. If the headache wasn't better and the numbers weren't lower then off to the ER.


He took his meds and ate a bite (because they require food) and took it again before he laid down and it was 174/112. So we will see.


I can't imagine what made it shoot up like that. He doesn't eat poorly, he's been taking his regular meds, he is very active (he's a farmer), no smoking etc. What could make it shoot up like that?


Anyway. Thanks for the prompt responses. If we hadn't gotten the doc I would have taken him in.

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I'm glad he is feeling better. I don't want to be rude, but I would still go to ER and not wait around. If he took another BP med, it could go down to below normal and you could have another issue on your hands. With a headache and slightly disoriented, he needs to be examined ASAP. Calling 911 now would still not be a bad idea. If it is a stroke, you only have a few hours for a certain type of treatment.


(sorry, don't want to be an alarmist, but I was an ER nurse in my former life :001_smile:)

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I just saw this thread because the forums were down all day, but I'm wondering how your dh is doing. Those BP readings scared me, and I'm hoping he's OK.


This isn't something to mess around with, though. Even if it's not something like a stroke, it could mean he has some seriously blocked arteries (have the doctor check his carotid artery ASAP,) and is at very high risk for a stroke.


I know some people live for years with very high blood pressure, but it sounds like this is an anomaly for your dh, and that's what worries me.


Personally, I think your doctor really dropped the ball by not sending your dh to the hospital immediately for further testing. He had super-high bp, a terrible headache, and was feeling disoriented -- what kind of idiot is this doctor??? (I think it's time to find a new doctor!)


Please update us when you can. I'll be praying for your dh. :grouphug:

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My father had BP that high and he ignored it. He also had those same symptoms. He brushed it off. A little while later, he had a cerebral aneurysm. He was only 48. He lived, and he is now 70. But he is paralyzed on the right side, a complete personality change, and he lost his job, his drivers license, and now has to take seizure medications. And since he is older he can barely walk now.


I have HBP. Had it since I was in my 30's. I am diligent by checking my BP at least twice a week.


ANYTHING can cause a spike in BP, but your DH's BP wasn't just a spike, something is going on to make it that high. And that is stroke level high. And it *could* be a warning sign of what my dad experienced.


Please do not take this lightly. He needs to see a neurologist to rule out a stroke or a pre-curser to an aneurysm.


I cannot believe your Dr sent him home. My Dr. would have sent me directly to the ER.


Please keep us updated.

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I'm glad he is feeling better. I don't want to be rude, but I would still go to ER and not wait around. If he took another BP med, it could go down to below normal and you could have another issue on your hands. With a headache and slightly disoriented, he needs to be examined ASAP. Calling 911 now would still not be a bad idea. If it is a stroke, you only have a few hours for a certain type of treatment.


(sorry, don't want to be an alarmist, but I was an ER nurse in my former life :001_smile:)



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Okay...you guys have totally freaked me out. But perhaps that is a blessing in disguise. I am going to have DH go see a (different) doctor today.


I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but DH has struggled with high BP for years. His regular readings when we check are usually between 150-180/80-90. Also he seems to get high BP headaches once a month or so. The headache wasn't abnormal for him (although the severity was) and the BP readings were higher than they have ever been.


The last time they were almost that high I did insist on the ER and by the time we got there, they were lower. Still high, but not scary high. They gave him a couple of pills to further lower and DH felt like an idiot. Sigh. So he was not inclined to listen to me.


And by the time he took an extra of his BP pills, by 9:00 it was down to 133/72 which is lower than I have ever seen it.


I don't know what to do with him or this! But thanks for your help and I am going to make sure he is seen with his recorded BP's in hand. :)

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Thank you for the update, and I am glad he is better!


Yes, he does need a new primary care doctor, or if it was the nurse you were talking to then she needs to be in trouble! The office should have told you to hang up and call 911. There are 2 kinds of strokes (cardiovascular wise anyway): bleeding in the brain (hemorragic) or a thrown clot from another part of the body. A classic sign of a bleeding stroke is "worst headache of my life". But his headache could have also been a symptom of the high blood pressure. You can't diagnose that over the phone, so they gave you poor advice. He really should have a CT scan to rule out stroke. Having him eat something and take another bp pill was also poor advice.


Secondly, he needs to see a cardiologist very soon to get his blood pressure under control. Over time, that can lead to damage to his vessels and heart. He needs to be seen very soon, just to figure out what caused that headache and disorientation.


I am sure that was scary for you! :grouphug:

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Thank you for the update, and I am glad he is better!


Yes, he does need a new primary care doctor, or if it was the nurse you were talking to then she needs to be in trouble! The office should have told you to hang up and call 911. There are 2 kinds of strokes (cardiovascular wise anyway): bleeding in the brain (hemorragic) or a thrown clot from another part of the body. A classic sign of a bleeding stroke is "worst headache of my life". But his headache could have also been a symptom of the high blood pressure. You can't diagnose that over the phone, so they gave you poor advice. He really should have a CT scan to rule out stroke. Having him eat something and take another bp pill was also poor advice.


Secondly, he needs to see a cardiologist very soon to get his blood pressure under control. Over time, that can lead to damage to his vessels and heart. He needs to be seen very soon, just to figure out what caused that headache and disorientation.


I am sure that was scary for you! :grouphug:


:iagree: that's how my great-grandfather died. He was a very healthy, relatively young farmer. Please get another doctor!

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:iagree: that's how my great-grandfather died. He was a very healthy, relatively young farmer. Please get another doctor!


Oh, that is awful! :sad:


Just an FYI for anyone reading, in my ER the motto was "time is muscle" (for heart) and "time is tissue" (brain). Anytime you suspect a heart attack or stroke, please call 911 immediately. Every second counts, as tissue and muscle die without oxygen, and irreversible damage is being done until it is treated.

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I'm glad to hear the immediate issue has been resolved, but I agree with everyone else who said that your dh needs a new doctor, and perhaps a neurologist who will send him for an MRI of his brain.


I hate to worry you, and this could just be a blood pressure issue, but that's what my brother thought his problem was, and he ended up having a cerebral hemorrhage (that the doctors believe was brought on by years of having high blood pressure and not being diligent enough in having it properly treated.)


Again, I don't mean to upset you, but if I could go back and nag my brother to get to a doctor, I'd do it in a heartbeat, because it might have meant that he'd still be alive today -- so I'm nagging you instead because this stuff worries me.

Edited by Catwoman
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I'm glad to hear the immediate issue has been resolved, but I agree with everyone else who said that your dh needs a new doctor, and perhaps a neurologist who will send him for an MRI of his brain.


I hate to worry you, and this could just be a blood pressure issue, but that's what my brother thought his problem was, and he ended up having a cerebral hemorrhage (that the doctors believe was brought on by years of having high blood pressure and not being diligent enough in having it properly treated.)


Again, I don't mean to upset you, but if I could go back and nag my brother to get to a doctor, I'd do it in a heartbeat, because it might have meant that he'd still be alive today -- so I'm nagging you instead because this stuff worries me.



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