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Question about flatulent dog

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Okay. We have a pek-a-poo. He's killing us with all of his gas passing. It smells like sulfur/rotten egg. He's on Natural Balance dog food. Is he like this because of the dog food, or are there other reasons for a dog to be this way? If he'd just go to another room to do his smelly deed, it'd be okay, but he always comes and sits right by us to do it. Any suggestions?

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Has he been like this since he's been eating this particular food? If you recently switched, did you do the transition slowly? The food would be my first guess. Does he poop regularly? Does he vomit? We have a golden who is allergic to everything under the sun. I believe I have witnessed every allergic reaction a poor dog can have. Flatulence was one of them.

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Natural Balance is an excellent food, but I know that the food is likely the cause of the stinkiness. It doesn't get much better than Natural Balance, though. Could you try changing flavors and see if that helps?


Also, I know my sister's dog gets really stinky when he hasn't had enough walks because he doesn't like to do his business in their yard if he can help it. You might ask your vet for a recommendation for food, or switch around and try some of the other "premium" brands.

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Okay. We have a pek-a-poo. He's killing us with all of his gas passing. It smells like sulfur/rotten egg. He's on Natural Balance dog food. Is he like this because of the dog food, or are there other reasons for a dog to be this way? If he'd just go to another room to do his smelly deed, it'd be okay, but he always comes and sits right by us to do it. Any suggestions?


No suggestions, just sympathy! :lol: Occasionally our meat-fed Mastiff suffers from those eh...symptoms and it's usually after someone threw her a piece of bread or some other starchy food. Could this be the cause?

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I thought your post was funny until I read "Natural Balance" dog food. :tongue_smilie: I don't know if that's the culprit in your dog's case, but it was for ours!

When we adopted our labradoodle a year ago that's what we fed him, thinking NB must be the best. Natural, Balanced. Sounds good. Plus we had a coupon:)


Well, that stuff made him so gassy and gave him a terrible case of the runs for a couple of weeks until we figured it out. Duh, must be the food. We thought he was just nervous in his new home. What a stink!:glare:


We transitioned him over to another food and the problem was gone. Our dog does have a sensitive tummy. We keep him on the same "safe" food and he does ok.


Oh, and come to think of it, when we first had him he suffered terrible allergies, scratching his face and licking his paws all the time. His fur was dry and ugly, too. This year he's doing much better with the allergy season and hasn't needed any meds. like last summer. Maybe it has something to do with his food....?


If I were you, I'd try transitioning over to another kind of food. You have to mix the foods over a week & titrate the old brand down so his tummy won't get upset. See what happens.


FWIW our other dog is a little cockapoo and does well with Purina Pro Plan Small Breed formula. She never stinks, too pretty for that!:)


Best of luck

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If it's Lamb and Rice dog food, that's known for causing stinky gas. My DH and I always laugh at the bags of Lamb and Rice when we're together buying dog food. It's our inside joke! Only took 1 bag for us to be convinced!


I'd never heard that. Interesting, because I feed my dogs Purina One lamb and rice, and sure enough, my big lab mix is forever stinky.

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Most likely diet related. Make any changes gradually over a week's time mixing old with new. There is a diet called sensitive skin and stomach that many dogs do well on but not cheap.

One other thought is Giardia, a protozoa. Can be transmitted through outdoor water sources (i.e. pond, lakes, etc.) or eating dead animals or other dogs. Less likely for a peek-a-poo but needed to mention.

Also, watch that you don't feed this guy table scraps! Carrots are a great treat for dogs with potential gut allergies.

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