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What time does your family start getting ready....

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What time does your family start getting ready for bed? I'm not talking about bedtime, but when your family winds down for the night, kids may shower or put PJs on. Maybe its because its summer and my youngest is out until just before dark and then comes in and asks me to take him to Walmart to get him something....at 8:30 or 9 pm. During the school year were already winding down by then. I cant wait to get back into a routine.

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In an ideal world, it's about 6:30 for final tidying of the house, baths/pj's, brushing teeth, with reading commencing at 7:30, heading to bed at 8, and asleep by 8:30 (for the 7yo and 3yo boys; 10yo DD is allowed to read for a while until she's wound down, and the 1yo baby might not go to sleep until closer to 10, but DH and I will hang out, check email, knit, talk, watch non-kid-friendly TV, etc. while he's awake). In reality, especially in the summer, it's later than that, because it's so pleasant outside in the early evening, but then if they need baths, it makes it even later. In the summer, particularly, it's more like 7 or 7:30 when they start the pre-bedtime stuff, so we're pushing hard to get them in bed before 8:30, and it's more like 9.


Part of the problem is that I often don't start dinner until 5:30, depending on the baby's mood and how hot it is in the kitchen (no AC, and the window unit is in another room, so at 4 pm, our kitchen can be pretty warm), which makes everything later. Okay, and the REAL problem is that I am too much of a night owl who doesn't get going very well in the morning, so everything starts later than it should. This wouldn't be a problem if DH didn't get up before 5 am every morning for work, so if we get up late, our schedules don't mesh well with his.

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I work until 6pm daily, so I don't even start cooking until about 545 which means dinner is between 630-7pm. Then I like to put my feet up and relax before getting on with eving chores since I had just worked 11 hours. So for us wind-down begins at 8 pm, which is curfew for my oldest kids currently. At 8 I start the littles on baths and begin my evening clean up.

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This time of year, around 8:15, with the intention that I start reading by 8:30, though it's been getting pushed a few minutes later lately.


We'd be less concerned about it if I didn't have to get up at 4:30am several days a week, so *I* need to get to sleep. On the other hand, it wouldn't be too much later, as DH is big on having breakfast by 7:00.

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What time does your family start getting ready for bed? I'm not talking about bedtime, but when your family winds down for the night, kids may shower or put PJs on. Maybe its because its summer and my youngest is out until just before dark and then comes in and asks me to take him to Walmart to get him something....at 8:30 or 9 pm. During the school year were already winding down by then. I cant wait to get back into a routine.

And you do it? :blink: I'm trying to imagine taking a dc to Walmart that time of night for a non-emergency shopping trip...


Our dc were *in bed* by 7:30 (not counting nights when we were at church), so we were getting ready for bed no later than 7. That includes nightly baths and hairwashing (and blow-drying. Yes, we washed and blowdried their hair before bed. :)).

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And you do it? :blink: I'm trying to imagine taking a dc to Walmart that time of night for a non-emergency shopping trip...


Our dc were *in bed* by 7:30 (not counting nights when we were at church), so we were getting ready for bed no later than 7. That includes nightly baths and hairwashing (and blow-drying. Yes, we washed and blowdried their hair before bed. :)).



Well, he's a teen not a little. And only occasionally have I done it....but the point is he wants to "go-go-go places" and I want the house to be wound down by then.

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For my oldest 10:00 (sometimes earlier by her choice) and for my younger ones 9 in the summer, 8:30 rest of the year. But our bedtime routines are not drawn out.


Mine can stay up later in the summer, but my youngest especially I want in by dark in the summer, and winter---even if the sun sets at 4:30 in November.. lol

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Well, he's a teen not a little. And only occasionally have I done it....but the point is he wants to "go-go-go places" and I want the house to be wound down by then.


I would let a teen stay up as late as they wanted (in fact, my 9 year old has to get ready at 8ish and get up by 6:45am, but does not have an actual enforced bedtime), but I wouldn't take them on a spur of the moment WalMart trip.


A social activity, job, or something, especially a planned one, might be different. I had a curfew later than my parents went to bed when I was a teen (and my parents were on the overprotective side!), but I lived in a safe, walkable area. I do think it could be difficult for a teen to be totally stuck and home after 8ish.

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