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Resources for homeless/carless/jobless friend?

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Someone I am very close to, but lives in another state, just lost their job, car and apartment. (The car and their job due to finances). She is not an alcoholic or addict, is single and has no children. Debts are piling up fast for her & things just seem to keep getting worse.


She finished a medical assistance training program to improve her job prospects and cannot find a job, despite being intelligent & having good people skills. The few openings that are available pay only $8 which is not enough to pay the bills. There are more applicants than jobs. As it stands, without a car, she cannot do much job hunting anyway.


Relatives are not an option right now for variou reasons. She doesn't have a church family. Her few friends are not in a position to take her in. If I could get her here she could stay with me, but that wouldn't improve her position as the job market here is worse.


Any ideas of how to find help for her? She needs a safe, supportive place to live while getting back on her feet. Job search help. Not just resume & interview skills, but actual contacts to job openings. And she desperately needs a vehicle.


The vehicle charities I have searched only accept applications online and have long waiting lists (months up to one year).


I'm thinking I'd have better luck with local (rather than national) agencies or charities but I'm not sure where to start.


Plus it seems many of the local agencies want the person to be referred by DHS & it's my understanding she made just enough to not qualify for any assistance through DHS. It's harder for single people to get help sometimes.


My heart is breaking for her and I am not in any position to help except to try to find help for her via intent and phone calls. I so wish I could find a free car for her and a place to live. I have no contacts in her area.


Any ideas or suggestions? Everything she tries just seems to get her deeper in the hole financially. For instance right now she is staying in a hotel (which costs more monthly than an apartment, but no down payment and pay day by day)


P.S. She lives in the northeastern MD, northwestern DE area.

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Praying for your friend! As hard as it is, I would tell her to take any job she can find regardless of pay, if the job is on the bus line or within walking distance. Some money coming in is better than none. Does she qualify for unemployment? It is so scary to not have a place to live! Maybe she can find a room to rent in a house, preferably on a bus line.

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It sounds like she is very close to me. It would help to know her specific location (city and state) since some organizations are picky about only helping those in their immediate geographic location.


First thing, have her call:


Glasgow Church



Ask for the food pantry or Feed My Sheep ministry. She won't get to talk to anyone personally but she'll have to leave a message. They will hook her up with some food and can help her find more resources in the area. This is in Newark DE. There are no DART buses that go by the church, so if she isn't able to get there to pick up the food, let me know and if she's close to me (Elkton, Newark, Bear etc.) I could take it to her. If she's not that close then one of the Deacons could probably deliver it. Jesse Blanton is the head deacon and Dot Imperatrice is in charge of the food pantry. Make sure she tells them EVERYTHING and they can figure out other ways that she may be able to get help. I have a DART card that has about $10 left on it that she can have if she needs it to get around DE.




Some other local organizations:


Wayfarer's House

Elkton, MD


107 Delaware Avenue

Elkton, MD 21921

Phone Number: 410-398-4381

Description: Emergency & transitional shelter. Meals; Counseling.


Emmaus House

Newark, DE


Newark, DE 19714

Phone Number: 302-737-2241

Website: http://www.homewardbound.org


Description: Homeless shelter for homeless families with children.



Cecil County DSS

Elkton, MD


170 East Main Street

Elkton, MD 21921

Phone Number: 410-996-0100


Description: Emergency shelter


Cecil County Help Center

135 East High Street

Elkton MD

21921 United States

*You can just walk in and get clothing and whatever food is available for free. Their other services are listed below but I'm not sure if you have to make an appointment or if you can just walk in.


Hours of operation:

Mon: 8AM 4:30PM

Tue: 8AM 4:30PM

Wed: 8AM 4:30PM

Thu: 8AM 4:30PM

Fri: 8AM 4:30PM




OVERVIEW: Offers emergency assistance for food, clothing, and financial assistance with eviction prevention, first month's rent, and rental assistance (as funding permits).


1) EMERGENCY FOOD: Emergency groceries are available to assist eligible Cecil County households. Households receiving Food Stamps are not eligible for food assistance.

2) CLOTHING: Free clothing is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9-11:30AM and 1-3PM.


3) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Assistance is available to eligible households for eviction, first month's rent, or rental assistance (as funding permits).

This website might be able to help somewhat.


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  • 3 weeks later...



Thank you for your suggestions.


She is very close to you. I guess she's a DE resident, but currently staying at a friend's apt. in Aberdeen, MD. Has to be out by the 13th, so I'm hoping to find something for her by then.


She did get a car (financed and way overpriced, but no downpayment). Starts a job in Aberdeen, MD tomorrow night. It's a start, but not enough. I need to help her find a semi-permanent place to stay.


She is on the waiting list at the Wayfarer's House in Elkton and they do take people without children. She's scared to go to a shelter, because she's afraid it's full of addicts and mentally ill people.


The woman I talked to in the shelter said they are seeing more and more regular, working people seeking shelter. It's really sad and scary. My dh has been unemployed/employed part time for several years now & we are always not far from homelessness.


Once you are in the shelter, though, you can get into the transitional housing and then the program to help you get started in an apartment.


They do have a walk-in office but all they could do is offer her a tent! They had one job suggestion in Middleton, DE, but the place isn't taking apps yet.


She's really going through a rough time.

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