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Any ideas about these symptoms: fullness & pressure in pelvis etc.

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I have an appt. with my dr. next week. I have been having fullness & pressure in my pelvis almost like how mild uterine prolapse would feel like I imagine. I am also just beginning my cycle and have back cramps so it may be nothing. Has anyone had any of these symptoms?


I am in my 40s and my cycles are getting closer together. Does this sound like prolapse or polyps or anything? Maybe just cycle changing? Thanks. :D

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I had a cycle that was really strange like that. Fullness, pressure, what truely felt like BH contractions. I was convinced I was miscarrying, though all tests came back negative. Next month, everything was normal again.


How odd. I'm thinking it may just be a fluke. It's just so weird when things change like this.

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This could be nearly anything from ovarian cancer (unlikely) to internal 'roids. From diverticulitis to interstitial cystitis. Sensation down there is vague and it "refers" to other places. Common things are common, like cystocele, but rare things occur. I knew someone with similar symptoms, and it was teratoma -- benign but visually repulsive.

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This could be nearly anything from ovarian cancer (unlikely) to internal 'roids. From diverticulitis to interstitial cystitis. Sensation down there is vague and it "refers" to other places. Common things are common, like cystocele, but rare things occur. I knew someone with similar symptoms, and it was teratoma -- benign but visually repulsive.


Yuck, LOL. I was reading that nearly 50% of women 40-50s get fibroids. I used to have PCOS and endemetriosis but my pregnancies helped that. I did have big babies. It may just be another fun change. Either way I am due for a physical and will discuss it then. It is a vague symptom isn't it? Sigh.

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Yuck, LOL. I was reading that nearly 50% of women 40-50s get fibroids. I used to have PCOS and endemetriosis but my pregnancies helped that. I did have big babies. It may just be another fun change. Either way I am due for a physical and will discuss it then. It is a vague symptom isn't it? Sigh.


Endometriosis can come back. I had a patient who'd had a total hyst ... everything out, who came in with an odd feeling with tEA, and she had studs of it growing in her who-who. In general, in medicine, if a patient has a symptom that can be attributed to something they've had before, that is what pops first into mind (after, in the case, bladder infection, which is so common, you check it in just about everyone with anything below the waist.)

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Had your symptoms last fall plus very heavy periods w/clots. Primary care doc sent me for an ultrasound, it was 5 golf-ball size fibroids. Sent over to a gyno who gave me options from do nothing to hysterectomy, said it was really up to me when it became enough of a nuisance. I'm riding it out for now.

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Had your symptoms last fall plus very heavy periods w/clots. Primary care doc sent me for an ultrasound, it was 5 golf-ball size fibroids. Sent over to a gyno who gave me options from do nothing to hysterectomy, said it was really up to me when it became enough of a nuisance. I'm riding it out for now.


Yes, I am leaning towards fibroids but it may just be an intestinal virus. I will know soon. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. Looking forward to my dr. visit.

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:grouphug: Praying that it's nothing serious.


Not to freak you out, but my younger brother has had 2 girlfriends whose mothers got ovarian cancer. One sadly wasn't diagnosed until it was too late, but the other was doing okay last I heard. Ovarian cancer sadly isn't as rare as one might wish- the lifetime risk is 1 in 58.


I would push your doctor for an ultrasound, because that would help determine whether it's something like fibroids or a tumor.

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:grouphug: Praying that it's nothing serious.


Not to freak you out, but my younger brother has had 2 girlfriends whose mothers got ovarian cancer. One sadly wasn't diagnosed until it was too late, but the other was doing okay last I heard. Ovarian cancer sadly isn't as rare as one might wish- the lifetime risk is 1 in 58.


I would push your doctor for an ultrasound, because that would help determine whether it's something like fibroids or a tumor.


That's what I will do. Were their symptoms fullness? I'm less uncomfortable now as I guess I'm more used to it. I'm going to think positive until I hear otherwise though. Thanks. :001_smile:

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