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How do I keep doing this to myself?

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I write up a list of books to use or a plan for what to do for history for the year or something like that. Hours of research and planning. The list sits on my desk for months on a stack of other planning papers. Then, suddenly, it's not there. Aaarrrgh! I spend days stressing out and searching, and they usually turn up eventually.


This time it's a long list of good literature for ds to read during his high school years along with information about worldview programs and what books are required for the worldview programs. Last week I went through the stack of papers to get rid of unnecessary papers. I'm so afraid that I got rid of these. I even went out and rifled through the rubbish bags to see if they were in there, but they weren't. Did I file them away somewhere to keep them safe? Did I throw them away? Am I going completely insane?

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This happens to me too. When I'm thinking clearly, I make comp files instead of paper lists, and make sure to save multiple times. I also started a sort of journal for lists and notes, so that I wouldn't have sticky notes all over my desk. Course, I still have to "rifle" through the book, but at least I know IT'S IN THE BOOK. Usually. :lol


I hope you find your list!

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I now keep a smallish three subject, spiral bound notebook with pockets.

I have one section for school stuff, one for home stuff and one for personal.

I use the front of each section for the clean notes and the back of each section for the scribbles and works in progress. I now have everything together and it never gets lost (I put the notebook in the same place every time).

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The crazy thing is that I do have a binder that I use for long term storage - things that I've just used for ds and want to save until dd is old enough. Current papers just sit on my desk. Obviously, I need to start a new binder.

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I do that, complete with notebooks and papers that are supposed to hold important papers and notes. I just end up with a pile of notebooks.


If it's important, I put it on my computer. I have a running "to do" list and "maintenance" list. I also have a homeschool ideas type file that I save things in that is completely separate from my homeschool file of what I am currently doing.


I still lose things, but I'm getting better.

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I have a homeschool binder with dividers for each child. I start making notes there about the coming year as soon as I start thinking about it, then add more formal lists and schedules as they come about. I also include syllabi or lesson plans for particular subjects -- DonnaYoung.org is a great place to find some of these. The last section includes my Georgia state-required intent to homeschool and attendance forms (blank and completed), along with a one page yearly calendar (so I can see dates quickly). Lifesaver, but took me a few years to figure this out!


By the way, don't feel too bad. You do know that we've all give most of our brain cells to our children, right?! :-)

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