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Help!! Need bible study ideas

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I just got a letter from my Community Bible Study that they don't have enough teachers for the children's program, so the can't offer the elementary and high school classes! :crying:I'm so upset...not only was that our bible class (and boy was it excellent! we learned so much), but we made lots of friends there and now we won't see them nearly as often.


Anyway, now I'm frantically trying to find a Bible study that doesn't offer its own interpretation of the Scripture, but just leads you through a reading with some thought/content questions. I'd prefer to cover one book of the Bible at a time, in some depth. Of course, cross referencing to other verses for clarity is fine. I'll be doing this with a 1st and 4th grader, possibly with my 9th as well....and have no idea even where to start looking!


To be frank - I just feel like kicking and screaming....CBS was my favorite part of the week, and I am so upset that we can't attend this year! I feel like a two year old stamping my foot and saying "but I want it":glare: So I'm turning to the Hive Mind. I've gotten so much other good advice and curriculum ideas from here, I figure someone out there knows of a CBS like home bible study.

Thanks for letting me rant - and thanks in advance for any suggestions the collective wisdom herein comes up with.

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It's the same format as CBS. I have been VERY pleased with the quality. (I did four years of BSF and one of CBS.)


You can get a free sample that is quite helpful through the mail. Call them.


Here's a link:




We just started using this as well. I like it a lot so far. You can also see samples at Rainbow Resource and Christianbook.



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Another possibility is Lamp and Quill International. http://www.lampquill.com They have materials for all ages but you are all studying the same passage at the same time. I just placed an order so I can't speak from experience but the samples look good. For better samples look at their "weekly lesson" section as it shows each age groups work clearly.


By the way, if you decide to order, you may want to call them with your order because they told me that their shipping charges on the website are in a state of confusion. (My order generated $34 shipping charge when the real charge was only $14).



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It's the same format as CBS. I have been VERY pleased with the quality. (I did four years of BSF and one of CBS.)


You can get a free sample that is quite helpful through the mail. Call them.


Here's a link:





We have just started this also and we are using the Discovery and Quest levels, very good. The kids are enjoying it and I love it too, it is well laid out and not too much to do in a day.



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If you really want to do CBS (and I agree they are great programs - I am a core leader in a local group), can you check into different classes in your area? Depending on where you are, they may be other classes that are still within driving distance. Your old friends won't be there, but at least you'll be able to participate in the study.

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If you really want to do CBS (and I agree they are great programs - I am a core leader in a local group), can you check into different classes in your area? Depending on where you are, they may be other classes that are still within driving distance. Your old friends won't be there, but at least you'll be able to participate in the study.


That's the first thing I did, but there's nothing else that offers elementary and high school classes. I'd volunteer to teach, but really can't afford the extra half day required....we barely get everything done as it is. If only they would let me teach and skip the leaders meeting! But, I understand why they can't.

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Did you know that you can buy the lessons from CBS? If you like the format and want to continue, that's one idea. They had several shorter summer lessons available this year that all looked interesting - check out their website.


I second someone's idea about offering to teach and maybe encouraging your friends to join you. I'm a home school teacher in our local CBS. This year we are starting a new JR/SR high class because our kids are growing up and staying with us! :) What a nice "problem" to have, huh? Our CBS is changing to a one day committment format, which has enabled myself and other home schoolers to continue to participate. We personally will follow a four-day school week and use the Wednesday afternoons (CBS is 9-11 then until 2:15 pm for leader's council) for math (I like doing it daily), errands, house-cleaning and such. I'm sending up a prayer for you right now that you'll find exactly what you need to be refreshed in His word. He certainly wants that for you, doesn't He? :)

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