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What does your day REALLY look like?

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Thanks Jenny :001_smile: Sorry if the article I posted was offensive, too. This is just a touchy subject for me lately because I am trying to balance what I can realistically do as one human being, vs. what our society says is beneficial for children (being in every activity out there, at least one per child, going each night, etc, etc). We would really like to do karate but to even have a couple of our children involved that would be a couple hundred a month and that doesn't include the clothing, belts, any tournaments, and it would just get to be more $$ as they get older, and obviously as the younger ones get older and get involved too. Some people may say we chose to have this many children so it's our responsibility to figure out how to make the extra curricular activities work out, but I'm just trying to figure out how the best way is to go about doing that without paying the equivalent of a mortgage on extracurriculars (when the kids are all older and into something I could easily see that being several hundred a month at least.)


I'm just stressing about it lately, I apologize.

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Thanks Jenny :001_smile: Sorry if the article I posted was offensive, too. This is just a touchy subject for me lately because I am trying to balance what I can realistically do as one human being, vs. what our society says is beneficial for children (being in every activity out there, at least one per child, going each night, etc, etc). We would really like to do karate but to even have a couple of our children involved that would be a couple hundred a month and that doesn't include the clothing, belts, any tournaments, and it would just get to be more $$ as they get older, and obviously as the younger ones get older and get involved too. Some people may say we chose to have this many children so it's our responsibility to figure out how to make the extra curricular activities work out, but I'm just trying to figure out how the best way is to go about doing that without paying the equivalent of a mortgage on extracurriculars (when the kids are all older and into something I could easily see that being several hundred a month at least.)


I'm just stressing about it lately, I apologize.


Thanks so much for clarifying. You're very gracious.

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So, those of you who have all that free time, I'm wondering if you'd be willing to answer a few questions:


1. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? I do...dh will pick up groceries and the kids that drive will grab milk, but I do the bulk of all the shopping including food, cleaning supplies, household items etc.

2. Who pays the bills? (I don't mean who makes the money, but who actually sits down and pays them.)I do for both our business and our household

3. Do you (or your children) have pets? If so, who takes care of them?we have a dog, 2 cats a rabbit and a turtle. I do most of the care because I got tired of reminding kids to do it. I also take care of the vet appointments and any medical care the pets need

4. How many meals do you cook from scratch each day?we eat pretty simply, but do not eat prepared foods or fast food at all. My kids all know how to make simple meals and pitch in...

5. Who handles chores like mowing the lawn, taking out garbage and recycling, taking cars in for service, emptying in the dishwasher, laundry, etc.?most.....sigh.....me. My kids do their own laundry once they are 12, the boys pitch in to mow, everyone has some chores, I take care of the cars being serviced, registered, inspected etc.

6. What kind of curriculum do you use? (Do you buy a package or plan your own?)I use lots of ...do the next thing....type curricula. I was a CM/ WTM homeschooler for a loooooong time, We are mostly WTM right now...

7. What are your kids' passions, interests, hobbies? And how do you support those? (Not financially, but in terms of time, etc.) my older kids were competitive swimmers....but they are now aged out and did not want to swim in college. I am on break from outside activities for the summer. Dd does a drama group and loves art....my boys just want to play:D

8. What kind of volunteer work do you and your kids do? Do you teach Sunday school or co-op classes or assist with your kids' activities? Do you do volunteer work of your own?

Right now I do not volunteer my time. I work in dh's business 30- 40+ hours a week and homeschool and run a household. I do assist my favorite charities and projects with my money because that is what I can do right now. I do not belong to a co-op and my kids are on break from any group stuff until we find something that really rocks their socks


Anyway, A's I said before....I am not now, nor am I ever bored....


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I thought your train of thought was fairly logical. I was thinking along the same lines and didn't feel grilled in the least.


:iagree: I didn't think these questions were grilling anyone. What a strange idea. Then again, a lady on this board told me I was being a bad role model to my kids for being a SAHM with no plans to go back to work when the kids are grown. Whatever!!

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I find that I have a fair bit of free time, but I think it's just the stage that we're at right now. My kids are old enough to entertain themselves and each other, but not old enough to spend hours and hours on school work. They're also just generally easy kids, with very minimal special needs.


So, those of you who have all that free time, I'm wondering if you'd be willing to answer a few questions:


1. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? I do. I bring the kids with me every Tuesday afternoon.

2. Who pays the bills? (I don't mean who makes the money, but who actually sits down and pays them.) Me.

3. Do you (or your children) have pets? If so, who takes care of them? Two dogs. I take care of most of their needs, James picks up the poop, and all the kids come with me to walk them.

4. How many meals do you cook from scratch each day? Usually just dinner. We snack a lot throughout the day and have a light lunch.

5. Who handles chores like mowing the lawn, taking out garbage and recycling, taking cars in for service, emptying in the dishwasher, laundry, etc.? Mostly me. SO takes his own car in, but I take care of mine and my stepdaughter's. Nathan helps with emptying the dishwasher.

6. What kind of curriculum do you use? (Do you buy a package or plan your own?) So far, we've been pretty light on actual school work. Everything we've used is "do the next thing" - I haven't had to plan anything. This will change somewhat this fall when we ramp up our studies.

7. What are your kids' passions, interests, hobbies? And how do you support those? (Not financially, but in terms of time, etc.) The boys play baseball, lacrosse, soccer and basketball, and Molly takes ballet. They all do gymnastics, piano and swimming lessons. SO helps out, but I do most of the driving and watch all their practices, lessons and games. My stepkids play soccer and swim, and I go to their games and meets.

8. What kind of volunteer work do you and your kids do? Do you teach Sunday school or co-op classes or assist with your kids' activities? Do you do volunteer work of your own? This year, I coached a middle school baseball team, and I coach my kids' baseball and basketball teams. I'll be coaching Special Olympics basketball for the first time this winter.

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:iagree: I didn't think these questions were grilling anyone. What a strange idea. Then again, a lady on this board told me I was being a bad role model to my kids for being a SAHM with no plans to go back to work when the kids are grown. Whatever!!


I certainly don't plan on going back to work when the kids get older. I have more than enough to do to keep me busy when they're gone. Besides, if I don't have a job I can volunteer for more things and take more courses. :D

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Anyway, A's I said before....I am not now, nor am I ever bored....



Echoing this sentiment. Never bored -- and not because we are "busy, busy" but rather because our days are filled with pursuits we enjoy and, as needed, the down-time we require.


My work, although no longer as demanding as it once was (fewer clients and projects -- by choice), requires that I not be the only person attending to the quotidian (laundry, pet care, meals, etc.), so everyone here has always pitched in.

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