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What does ectopic pregnancy feel like?

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I have had this off and on again pain in my lower right side. Today it hurts but higher up.

When does an ectiopic pregnancy start to hurt and at what point week wise can it really be a problem. Can't it rupture a fallopian tube....can you bleed to death? I am assuming it would be unbearable pain and you would definately know something was wrong if that happened.

I have always tried to ignore pain, this is really achy though and just in this one small spot. It's almost like I feel it radiating up and it hurts, but still off and on.

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With one of my pregnancies, they thought it might be ectopic. I had some spotting and pain, but not severe. So the fact that your pain isn't excruciating doesn't necessarily rule out ectopic pregnancy.


However, I'm sure there are lots of other possible explanations, so I'd advise you to go to the doctor, or at least call tonight and see what he/she says.



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Yes, an ectopic pregnancy can cause your fallopian tube to rupture and cause massive bleeding. I don't know about week wise when it gets very serious, but it is a matter of how big it gets.


I've had an ectopic pregnancy. I can honestly say the pain wasn't too terrible but I was concerned enough that I went to the hospital. I'm glad I went!


Another friend of mine had an ectopic too. She didn't have any pain at all. Her only symptom was persistant vomiting. She ended up having to have laprascopic surgery to terminate the pregnancy as it was in her fallopian tube. :(


If I were you, I'd get it checked out, just to be safe. It could be nothing and that would put your mind at ease!

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I had intermittent pain on and off for a couple of weeks. It would hurt for an hour or two and then be fine for a day or two or maybe more and then start up again. It was in my right tube, but I felt the pain in all different places, not sure why. Sometimes it was just uncomfortable, but other times it would hurt enough to have to lie down. It ruptured at about 9 weeks and the pain was excruciating, kind of like labor. The pain didn't stop but it did come in waves.


I would suggest a doctor, just to be sure.

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I had pain off and on - but my dr.'s office didn't handle things well :( and I ended up in the ER in the middle of the night. Everything ended up fine - it was an ovarian cyst that was causing the biggest issue - but could have been quite bad.


This is not something to treat lightly. My neighbor did, indeed, bleed out in the middle of the night from a ruptured Fallopian tube due to an ectopic. Me? I'd call the OB/midwife for reassurance.


Keep us posted. . . . . .

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I had an ectopic pregnancy between my first and second children. There was extreme abdominal pain and that only began by the time I had lost a liter of blood into my abdomen. Needless to say I had surgery in the middle of the night.

I would recommend going in for an ultrasound. It could be an ovarian cyst or your appendix flaring up. Don't ignore it!

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I had one ectopic pregnancy. Yes you can bleed to death. I almost did and thank goodness I was at the hospital on a watch. When I was at home I felt alot of pressure on my rectum. It was so painful and the pressure was unbelievable. It took my breath away. I would get sharp pain every now and then. I didn't have the typical symptoms of ectopic with shoulder pain that you are supposed to get. I did have pain right in the center of abdomen. They didn't think it was ectopic with my symptoms but after the ultrasound they couldn't find the baby. The next evening they thought I was just miscarrying the baby in the tube. However a few hours later my BP was dropping really fast and I was writhing in pain. They sent me to the OR stat. The pain comes really fast and hard. They said if I was at home with this then I wouldn't have made it.


PLEASE go to the dr or ER!! Call them and see if they can get you to the ER to get the ultrasound done now. I was 7 weeks pregnant with this ectopic. My tube did rupture and the baby was died after they took the tube out. My ob was devasted as he is against terminating babies. This broke his heart as it broke ours.


Call your Dr immediatly! This is not something to mess around with.



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