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Jean in Newcastle, you are in trouble . . . !

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And other Teachers Lodge folk, too! :lol: Just kidding. Was trying to get your attention, did it work?


Here I go to take a short break from the Teachers Lodge, leaving you somewhat in charge and . . . well, you see what happens??


But then again, weren't there a couple of other moms that were going to open the lodge now and again during my hiatus? And we wonder why we can't get our KIDS to listen . . . :D


Now, before I really dig myself a hole -:auto:

How the heck are all of you?


I am impatiently and anticipatorily (is that a word) awaiting my Stampin' Up! package from UPS and they seem to be taking their own sweet time about it!


What's your weather today?


Overcast with some sprinkles of liquid sunshine. Bring it on because it brings cooler temps!


What are you doing today?


We were going to see a movie this morning but I just didn't have the energy to do it so I talked hubby into taking the kids tomorrow! After my pkg gets here I think I'll take a nap!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Glad to see you back!


How the heck are all of you?


I'm doing well! I'm trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up as my homeschool journey most likely will be ending in a year or so. Gathering up transcripts from various schools I've gone to and trying to look at colleges nearby.


What's your weather today?


Overcast. Morning fog. High in the 60s. Same ol' same ol'


What are you doing today?


Supervising a day camp which leaves me lots of time to sit on the computer! I'm here in case someone dies or something---no one has all week! :lol:

This afternoon I'm going ice skating and this evening I have a massage! Happy, happy, joy, joy!

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This is the answer to your question about where I was and what I'm doing today: I said on a thread the other day that my dh never volunteers me for anything but then he volunteered me for taking care of my MIL today. I was gone from 9:15 to 2:30. Then dd10 had two orders to fill for her baking business and of course as her unpaid assistant I had to help.


Weather: 70 degrees at the moment. We had thunder showers in the a.m but now it is sunny.

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I am doing well. Better today than yesterday. Kids and I were all in bad moods for some reason yesterday. I don't know why.


Weather? Hot Hot Hot and sunny as usual per July.


Doing? Well, I babysat a neighborhood girl this morning. But all that means is that my kids had a playmate. I stripped the beds. I did laundry, hung laundry and folded laundry while they swam. I made a quick lunch and then folded and put away laundry. After she went home I baked peach muffins from a recipe that was in the paper last week and they turned out great. I helped the girls start a paper mache project. They are making pinatas for a bday party. I just got the beds put back together.


And now I am about to put something together for dinner. Busy days around here, but still summer relaxing...

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