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Is it totally normal for an almost 5yo girl ...


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.. To be having great trouble replicating a number or letter right in front of her (to the point of sometimes freezing) even after months of short daily exercises of tracing and trying to copy? If it's on the normal developmental curve, great. When should I expect to see improvement or begin to suspect she needs special attention? I don't want to worry unnecessarily (and I'm not yet) OR overlook a real issue.

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I wouldn't worry AT ALL yet. When she gets stuck, have her trace the model with her finger, and then ask her to try again. DO NOT put excess pressure - the stress makes it harder. I have one who is slow to process, and it is immensely worse when she thinks I am worried about it! It has gotten much much better in the past few years.


That being said, if you have concerns, the school system is required to test your child if you ask, even if you aren't enrolled. Is this your *only* concern? If so, I'd let it go. If there are a number of little things that you are worried about, I'd get her checked.

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Visual motor coordination - do more tracings independent of letter or number formations. And agree, don't worry. Work on the hand-eye skills like coloring, drawing, tracing, cutting etc. Things will jump and improve quickly with the development and practice. :) I have a great beginning reader that makes a mess out of writing letters. LOL She is all brain and clumsy to a fault!

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Another vote for normal. Is it possible that in a couple of years you'll be thinking that this was an early sign of trouble? Sure. But it's much more likely that you'll have forgotten it because she'll have moved so far beyond it. I would actually think that the freezing up is more likely a sign of anxiety or perfectionism than that she has any learning issues or developmental issues in regards to writing or small motor skills.

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Has letter formation been taught correctly or has she always been just copying the letters? Has she been taught to say what she is writing as she writes it (there are many chants that can be used to teach correct letter formation that also work better on children who are more auditory) and has she used any multi-sensual "feeling" aspects for handwriting - writing letters in the air large, sandpaper letters, shaving cream and so on - these seem to help kinaesthetic children more, but using all aspects together help all children. Nonetheless it is normal for 5 year olds to forget how to form a letter or form it backwards. The freezing may be an issue with personality - perfectionism etc that needs to be worked on. How much is she being expected to write and is she trying to spell a word which involves more thought than just copying the letter in front of her. Also when she copies the letter does she have an entire alphabet in front of her or only the letter she is working with?


Sorry for all the questions but all these aspects can affect things or it can just be developmental.

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My almost 5 year old DD is the same way. She has a hard time writing even with it in front of her. She can do dot to dots and mazes but just has a hard time with copying letters. We have continued to work with dry erase cards that have letter and shapes to trace and it has improved her ability to copy letters.

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I'm not stressed. It just crossed my mind that I ought to be sure that not stressing it is the thing to do.


Perfectionism IS a issue for her; always has been.


She has done only a little self-initiated writing of letters (i, t, 1, a backwards c). When she wanted to start "doing school" I began doing a little each day with her. She requires instruction almost every time but due to the perfectionism, she doesn't always respond so greatly to our greatest efforts to avoid melt down (even my six year old tries to help the situation). I've pretty much wearied of this eggshell dance so I often just have her stick to tracing stuff. She can trace.


By "great trouble" I mean most of the time. Symmetrical letters/numbers don't seem to be a problem.


My oldest started writing himself at 3.5 so ... I don't know what "normal" is. The fact that my daughter does have huge perfectionistic issues somewhat complicates it in my mind. I don't really know what direction to come from. I'm thinking of just having her do more of that kinesthetic stuff and tracing.


Thank-you for the encouraging words and suggestions. :)

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My 4.5yo has been working for six months on writing. He traces with his fingers and then writes them in a salt box. He knows the letters very well until I give him a writing utensil and then he does all sorts of goofy things. I would have her stick to finger tracing and other large motor activities and scrap the writing utensils for a while. You can write in a salt box, sandbox, pudding, shaving cream, fingerpaints, etc.

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