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These TEENY, TINY FLIES are driving me INSANE!!!

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I have NO IDEA what they are! They look like fruit flies, I think, but we don't have any fruit out! They are GROSS! I thought they finally disappeared. I am having a glass of wine (blueberry!!!!) to wrap up my stressful day (and help me cope with mysterious pain..... ) before I start dinner. I just picked up my glass to have a sip and three of them flew off the rim! :scared: What the heck can they be? We leave NO food out at all.

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Seems to be the going issue in many hive homes right now.


My guess is not fruit flies but fungus gnats. Pour a little cooking oil into the kitchen drains each night to thoroughly coat any larvae in there so they can not become gnats, and you can make th same trap for them that you would make for fruit flies with a little apple cider vinegar that has a couple drops of dish soap. COver with syran wrap with some tiny holes poked in. They go in for the apple cider and get trapped and drown, that will take care of the adults.

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Yes, probably drain flies. I've never heard of cooking oil down the drain, and I wouldn't be brave enough to try it! My sink gets stopped up quite enough as it is :tongue_smilie:


We just poured some ammonia down the drains once a day (and then closed them so as not to die), left it for a few hours, and then ran the hot water for a while. Worked like a charm. All traces gone within a few days. Do ALL the drains, bathtub, etc, not just the sink.


Edited to add that we only did the drain thing, we did not do traps of any sort.

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a little apple cider vinegar that has a couple drops of dish soap. COver with syran wrap with some tiny holes poked in. They go in for the apple cider and get trapped and drown, that will take care of the adults.


This works so well! Once I see the little buggers flying around, I keep a trap in my kitchen until fall. It grosses my husband out to see them in the dish, but somehow it's very satisfying to me!

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Seems to be the going issue in many hive homes right now.


My guess is not fruit flies but fungus gnats. Pour a little cooking oil into the kitchen drains each night to thoroughly coat any larvae in there so they can not become gnats, and you can make th same trap for them that you would make for fruit flies with a little apple cider vinegar that has a couple drops of dish soap. COver with syran wrap with some tiny holes poked in. They go in for the apple cider and get trapped and drown, that will take care of the adults.


I have done this trap except I used jelly and juice. It worked pretty well!

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I'm not sure what they are, but we had them, too :tongue_smilie:. I saw a previous thread with remedies and put a couple shallow bowls with apple cider vinegar and drops of dish soap in areas where I saw them and they're gone! Of course, their tiny corpses are floating in the bowls, but I'd rather have that than them flying around my house!


Thanks for the tip, Hive!

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It is odd because I never had them for 15 years. We had our kitchen remodeled and now, seven months later, flies in the drain?:confused: does this seem odd?


No, we didn't have them our first 15 or so years either. Maybe they like a well-aged house :001_smile:


Just curious what you would do with a septic system. We can't pour bleach down the drain!!!


Can you pour anything that creates strong-ish vapors down the drain? Ammonia? Maybe even try lots of vinegar (remember to seal the drain to increase the strength of it).

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