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Feeling the need to whine...

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OVER three weeks ago my very loveable DH gets a phone call pretty much out of the blue.


Was he interested in transferring back to our home state?

Was he interested in X job?

How soon could he start?


Keeping in mind, it is the same company he currently works for. It is the SAME job he was doing three years ago. He was recommended by a few people so the guy thought he'd call and see if it would work out!


We're pretty thrilled. Yes, it would be sad to leave friends but we miss family.


So DH told him there might be a few problems. Because this is a higher COL state, he has a higher salary than he would normally have for that job - was that going to be an issue? Would they pay relocation expenses?


The guy checked with his boss and no, these were non-issues.


Awesome! Rules state the job must be posted for five business days and he must formally apply.


All of this is/was done. It was done two weeks ago.


Have we heard anything since?

DH followed up, letting him know that he followed through on his end and submitted the resume as well as informed his boss so she could start thinking along the lines of replacing him.


Anything? No. No response AT ALL. None.


No, "Great, I have your resume." No, "We are in the process of sorting through everything." No, "I have handed this off to Human Resources and they'll be in touch." Not even a "I'm so sorry, but we found someone locally."


Honestly? I am on pins and needles. We are talking about a cross country move with nine kids and a dog. They'll want it done 10-14 days from the time the offer is accepted IF they extend it.


So, for example, let's say HR calls DH today. They would make an official offer. DH would officially accept. Then we would have 6-10 days to leave here and four days to drive. Granted, the company would send movers, etc. I'd have to do absolutely nothing other than prepare for the drive.


THREE WEEKS though? Ack. Tell us something. Tell us ANYTHING. Tell us yes. Or no. But don't leave us hanging.




Poor me, right? Sorry! I had to get it out.

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Your DH should call them to see what's up. Don't leave it to email, especially as he has already talked to his current boss about it. You never know who else has applied, whether there has been a reorganization, etc. Or maybe it's just that key people are on vaca. Call.

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Well, the catch 22 is that we are familiar with how the process works. If it was an interview with a new company, no problem calling. However, truly it might be crossing the line as it is now sit back and wait time...




After the initial set-up process, DH did call. But now we wait. And wait.


Maybe God is teaching us patience. Maybe He is keeping us from driving through wild fires in the Black Hills. Who knows?


We know he is being considered for two positions back home, we just don't know which (if either) is going to come through. I just need to be patient. I am so not good at being patient. It is worse that the kids are anxious/excited about it. I wish we had not shared the information with them until we knew.


I think THAT is the big one... I wish we hadn't shared the information with ANYONE until we knew for sure, in writing.


It's funny... I consider myself on Midwest time now... I think, "Okay HR is at work now... Maybe he'll have a voicemail waiting." Or, "Ugh. 3:00. They went home for the day. Nothing today."


It's a little pathetic, isn't it? It's okay. I can take it.

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