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What I am doing today...

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My entire family and my dh's entire family are coming to my house for a bbq on Friday. I am using that as an incentive to get my whole house cleaned.


Today, I am working in the bonus room. Just got last year's schoolbooks sorted and stored. Now I am working on decluttering the rest of the room.


Later I will move on to at least one of my kids' bedrooms. I already sorted the kitchen and living room and the laundry room.


Been dreading this for awhile, but stay out of my way. I am plowing through this like a freight train. My kids are hiding from me because I might drag them into cleaning. That suits me fine.

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I need your energy.


My entire family and my dh's entire family are coming to my house for a bbq on Friday. I am using that as an incentive to get my whole house cleaned.


Today, I am working in the bonus room. Just got last year's schoolbooks sorted and stored. Now I am working on decluttering the rest of the room.


Later I will move on to at least one of my kids' bedrooms. I already sorted the kitchen and living room and the laundry room.


Been dreading this for awhile, but stay out of my way. I am plowing through this like a freight train. My kids are hiding from me because I might drag them into cleaning. That suits me fine.

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The only way that I get anything done in cleaning up is to have people over.... otherwise I just get used to the clutter and I don't see it anymore until I am tired and it depresses me. So having a b-b-q is the best idea!!!



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Two kid's bedrooms cleaned and organized. So, today, I am onto normal cleaning....


Have to sweep and mop the kitchen. Vacuum the whole house, clean baseboards, couches and vacuum stairs.


And I need to get started cooking for tomorrow's cookout.

A trip to the grocery store must be squeezed in there somehow.


Better get busy,

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house is still messy, but I have baked beans and pork roast cooking, almost done with the dessert. Pasta salad done. Potato salad almost done, fridge and microwave are cleaned out and I am getting ready to finish up for a bit in the kitchen so I can mop.

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bribed the kids with ice cream...


"When we get these chores done we can all have some ice cream..."


So now all the couches are vacuumed, and the stairs. The boy's train set is put away and the chicken cage has been cleaned. The kids' bathroom is cleaned too.


Next, another round of dishes, working on the vacuum so I can vacuum later.

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