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Question for New Jersey folks...

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We recently returned home from our road trip and we were in the NJ area a few days. I was caught off guard at a gas station because I had no idea you can't pump your own gas there. Why do you have the law that one cannot pump their own gas?

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No idea. But I'm not going to complain! :D


I have to say, I didn't like it! I especially didn't like that they swiped my card, pulled it out halfway and left it there while they walked away. It seems a lot of credit cards are vulnerable to theft.

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I have to say, I didn't like it! I especially didn't like that they swiped my card, pulled it out halfway and left it there while they walked away. It seems a lot of credit cards are vulnerable to theft.


You must have been the car in front of us in New Jersey. When we saw that the guy tried a couple of times to swipe the card of the car in front and then just left it hanging out of the machine, we decided to pay cash. Then I wondered if you are supposed to tip those guys? We decided not to.

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I've heard it's because the gas station workers have a strong union, because our gas prices are already relatively low so there's no incentive for making them self-serve, and because politicians think we are too stupid to do it ourselves.


No, you don't tip the attendants. If you don't want your card left in the machine, just ask for it back. I never worried about it because I'm sitting right there in my car, unless I'm without the kids and then I may run into the convenience store so I'll ask for it back.

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Because it's awesome that way. Who the heck wants to pump their own gas? The attendants can get wet, be cold, or sweat.


Don't tip them, yes you get your card back. :D I've never, ever had mine stolen in all these years.



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