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Just a Sunday afternoon rant...

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Apparently I'm a complete sucker.


Dd9 was over at a friend's house playing in their outdoor, blow-up, sliding, swimming pool thingy. When she came back home she walked in soaking wet with her friend right behind her, and her friend was eating Doritos out of a bag. Dd said hey, and they both proceeded upstairs.


Several things wrong with this scenario.

1. You don't walk into my house soaking wet...you go through the garage, strip, wrap a towel around you, then go upstairs.

2. You ask permission before you bring your friends into my house.

3. In my house you eat at the bar or at the table...you don't walk around eating and certainly don't eat upstairs. (Friend knows this.)

4. It has been established that I don't allow anyone to have friends over on Sunday. I have many dc, and those dc have many friends whom I happily allow to visit all during the week. Sunday is MINE.


So, I called dd downstairs to discuss these things with her and had to shoo friend back upstairs so I could have a private conversation. Then when I was finished explaining to dd what she had done wrong I notice out of the corner of my eye that friend is hovering right at the corner of the stairs listening.:glare:


Dd was very sorry...she forgot...she wasn't thinking...they always just walk into friend's house without asking...they can eat wherever in friend's house...she forgets that things are stricter over here:confused:. Then she asks if friend can please play over because its too hot to play outside, and friend's brother and ds are over at friend's house and are being annoying, and they will be really, really quite...so, I just want the whole ordeal over with as I'm up to my eyeballs in books, papers, printing, binding, scheduling, planning, and trying to prep dinner, so I say fine.


Now I'm sitting here not able to concentrate on my planning because I'm so aggravated that I caved. :angry:


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Apparently I'm a complete sucker.


Dd9 was over at a friend's house playing in their outdoor, blow-up, sliding, swimming pool thingy. When she came back home she walked in soaking wet with her friend right behind her, and her friend was eating Doritos out of a bag. Dd said hey, and they both proceeded upstairs.


Several things wrong with this scenario.

1. You don't walk into my house soaking wet...you go through the garage, strip, wrap a towel around you, then go upstairs.

2. You ask permission before you bring your friends into my house.

3. In my house you eat at the bar or at the table...you don't walk around eating and certainly don't eat upstairs. (Friend knows this.)

4. It has been established that I don't allow anyone to have friends over on Sunday. I have many dc, and those dc have many friends whom I happily allow to visit all during the week. Sunday is MINE.


So, I called dd downstairs to discuss these things with her and had to shoo friend back upstairs so I could have a private conversation. Then when I was finished explaining to dd what she had done wrong I notice out of the corner of my eye that friend is hovering right at the corner of the stairs listening.:glare:


Dd was very sorry...she forgot...she wasn't thinking...they always just walk into friend's house without asking...they can eat wherever in friend's house...she forgets that things are stricter over here:confused:. Then she asks if friend can please play over because its too hot to play outside, and friend's brother and ds are over at friend's house and are being annoying, and they will be really, really quite...so, I just want the whole ordeal over with as I'm up to my eyeballs in books, papers, printing, binding, scheduling, planning, and trying to prep dinner, so I say fine.


Now I'm sitting here not able to concentrate on my planning because I'm so aggravated that I caved. :angry:


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It's tough to be the mom :glare:. I struggle with this a lot. Am I door mat? Am I too strict? errgh...

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I can totally sympathize with you! I hate caving like that because like you, as soon as I cave, I sit there fuming wondering what I was thinking so nothing gets done! I have had to get down right "mean" when it comes to "my one day." I guess it helps that we don't have neighbor kids nearby, but even when friends are over I struggle with everyone following the rules (food stays in the kitchen or outside, if you're wet use natures towel...the sun...and dry off before entering the house etc.). I don't think our rules are too much to ask, and after being "run over" by friends that "don't know better" several times, I have no problem hollering down the hallway to my kids or their friends reminding them of the rules. They keep coming back, so I haven't scared anyone away yet. I guess I'm not the "wicked witch of the neighborhood" yet! LOL!! Good luck. Standing your ground is hard!

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Ha! Well, what's done is done.





I know as moms we worry a lot about consistent rules, but we also need to listen to our kids sometimes. When kids know that parents will listen and not just blow off their concerns because 'the rules are the rules' can make a world of difference when obedience really matters.

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I know as moms we worry a lot about consistent rules, but we also need to listen to our kids sometimes. When kids know that parents will listen and not just blow off their concerns because 'the rules are the rules' can make a world of difference when obedience really matters.


I completely agree with this, and I do try to always let my dc know that if they have good reasons for me to overlook a rule I will take it into consideration. Especially if they present their case well. This was not one of those times.:tongue_smilie: I am ashamed to say that I seriously just wanted her out of my hair at that particular time.


Oh well, yes, what's done is done...it's over now. Friend has gone home since we happened to be eating dinner early tonight,;) and now I have the rest of the evening to get back into the books.


Thanks for the hugs! And thanks for the comments letting me know that I am among other REAL moms here.:D

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I was the same way this last week. But I think it shows that we are human. I normally don't let the kids play in the house during the day. But this past week the temps were SO. HOT. And they can't swim at neighbor's house because neighbor's parents aren't home. So, I let them play inside.


I think what you did was good parenting. It was hot and 'the brothers' were at the other house. And it didn't really affect you adversely, because you weren't entertaining them.


jmho ;)

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