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Today's edition of Weird Games Preschoolers Play - add yours!

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This afternoon, my almost-3yo dd and I have been alone in the house for several hours, while the rest of the family watches Brave. I'm very tired so I was lying lumpily on the couch. Then, out of my peripheral vision, I saw my dd, shirtless yet official-looking, standing by the couch holding a small dinosaur suitcase and roll of scotch tape.


"I be a doctor and a taper," she said. "Now, what happened?"


I told her a story about crashing into a hippo while riding my bike.


Fortunately, she had the solution. She proceeded to pull off long strips of tape and cover my clothed and unclothed body parts, all the while telling me comforting stories of her own encounters with wild animals while bike riding. When she got to my chubby midsection, she grinned elvishly and said, "Now I put tape on your fullness!"


This went on for 30 minutes. Then she removed all of the tape, which was less painful than you'd think.


Altogether, this was a cheap and funny way to spend a half hour, and I found the preschool bedside manner to be very healing. :lol:

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What a fun game! I like the ones that don't require you to move! :lol:


:iagree:Seriously! I am so happy that this one is moving into the stage of.....playacting, I guess. Playing "doctor," mommy, whatever. All of which require me still to be there (or at least, she would prefer that I also be one of the characters) but I can generally do it face down on the carpet. She also sometimes "reads" to me, which is so adorable I can hardly keep from weeping every time.


I was secretly hoping other people would add their weird preschooler games, too. I wonder if anyone will?

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you are a good momma! She sounds adorable. I am glad you could relax and let her run with her imagination (instead of worrying about cleaning up tape or the waste of supplies). This sounds like the kind of thing to remember for years. Also 'fullness' ha! love it :lol:


Tape is cheap and basically quiet and doesn't make a mess, really. This was all running through my mind while I was being "treated." It felt sort of genius at the time (on her part, not mine) and I'm now wondering how much mileage I can get out of it. Like, maybe she could cover some inanimate objects around the house? Start small, but then work up to....I don't know. The local Trader Joe's? She could be like the artist Christo. "I be an artist and a taper. Someone give me a commission!"

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Not a funny preschool story (really do wish I had gotten around to recording stuff in those three baby books I have :glare: ) but BabyBaby spent hours every day occupying herself with a roll of Walmart tape ($0.44 at the time for their biggest roll) and scrap paper. I was surprised how people would freak out that she was wasting the tape... but she was so happy, and really- for less than $1/week I had peace! She would "do school" by cutting and tearing paper and taping it back together.


BabyBaby is now a Black Belt, Chess champion (small unrated local tournaments), and loves math and puzzles. She still plays with tape. :D

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Not a funny preschool story (really do wish I had gotten around to recording stuff in those three baby books I have :glare: ) but BabyBaby spent hours every day occupying herself with a roll of Walmart tape ($0.44 at the time for their biggest roll) and scrap paper. I was surprised how people would freak out that she was wasting the tape... but she was so happy, and really- for less than $1/week I had peace! She would "do school" by cutting and tearing paper and taping it back together.


BabyBaby is now a Black Belt, Chess champion (small unrated local tournaments), and loves math and puzzles. She still plays with tape. :D


Totally genius. I've always felt that most office products were one of the best preschool "toys" ever. Especially if you can find a little suitcase of some sort to put them in. And double bonus points if the kid can have her own little table. So much cheaper than traditional preschool, none of the socialization heartache, and you get to watch the weirdness happen!

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Oh my word.


That might be the cutest thing I've ever read.


And now I want a toddler again. {Sigh}


Quick, someone remind me how much work they are, lol.


I'm trying to remind you (which may be counter-productive since I'm the OP) but there are some days I have to remind myself, even though I live with her. Just yesterday I was looking at a tiny newborn at church and I practically felt my ovaries flipping. And I'm 44 years old. Nothing beats the charming, bizarre little worldviews of kids this age. Not to mention the chubby wrist creases. But that's a whole 'nother thread. :tongue_smilie:

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First off when I was little, I thought that tape fixed EVERYTHING.


My cute story is that my toddler (he's 2.5) likes to build "found treasures" sculptures. He'll find stuff lying around and randomly stack them together and then leave them. This started about 8 or so months ago. I first thought it was the older two but no, it's him.


And he has his days where he is so cute, I cry. And then some days where he is so ornery, I cry.

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