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Anyone switched to Primary (Singapore) Math from Everyday Math?


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This will be our first year to HS. I have been eyeballing Singapore math for over a year and am eager to try it with my son. My only issue is that from looking at the placement tests (I'm going to have him actually take it tomorrow) I am pretty sure he'll be in 3A and he's going into 4th grade. I am hoping for some reassurance from someone who has switched from an incremental and spiraling math into Primary Math. He's pretty good at math, maybe a little above average.

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Most people uses SM will tell you that to expect to place a student from another curriculum a year below. The scope and sequence is different. Singapore the country do not start 1st grade until a kid is 7. So you really not behind. Overall, don't get discouraged. SM is easy to accelerated. So ur kid can catch up really quick if capable.

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Most people uses SM will tell you that to expect to place a student from another curriculum a year below. The scope and sequence is different. Singapore the country do not start 1st grade until a kid is 7. So you really not behind. Overall, don't get discouraged. SM is easy to accelerated. So ur kid can catch up really quick if capable.


Didn't know they started at 7. My son was 7 when he started 1st grade as well because I held him back due to a late summer b-day. I think we'll probably move quickly through what he's learned.

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I actually just recently posted about our switch to Singapore. We had been using a spiral/incremental math for 4 years and just finished our first week with Singapore. My daughter is about to enter 3rd grade, but only placed in 2A. And that is after using our previous curriculum an entire year ahead! So, yes, this happened to us as well. When I posted, I received many assurances that this was to be expected and that it would be fairly simple to "catch up".


So far, I'm seeing that as true. I can tell there will be portions of 2A that we won't need to rehash in great depth (i.e. measurements), though there are others that we need to re-learn entirely. Still, I'm feeling much better about the placement and our ability to forge ahead.


AND. We've only been at this for a week, so take what I say with grain of salt, but we are LOVING Singapore. My daughter and I have had many "aha!" moments in this week alone and we, so far, are delighted we switched.


Hope this helps. :)

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If you want to, I think you can go through Singapore 3 fairly quickly if you just use the textbook and workbook. (Assuming all the Singapore 2 skills are pretty solid - carrying/borrowing, etc.). Just spend more time on things that need review/practice.

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Dd used Everday Math (in Spanish) for second and third. She placed in SM 3A, so that is where we started. My intention was to cover 3A thru 4A in one year. We didn't quite make it through 3B when I ordered the 4a materials. I realized after getting them that I could stop fractions with her in 3B and move right into fractions in 4a and go only as fast or slow as we needed. Honestly, we should have skipped a lot more than we did in 3a/3b! I think learning the mental math strategies was most important when switching. I would get the 3 and 4 materials all at once and start going through 3. When you get to a topic (place value, fractions, geometry, etc) that is covered in both books try teaching it out of 4. If your child doesn't get it go back to 3. But teach the concepts in 3 that are not covered in more depth in 4. Does that make sense?


Good luck!

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When my oldest came home after 5th grade, he tested into 5A. At the time, I didn't know that Singapore is considered a little "ahead", so I attributed it to him missing a lot of time from school in 5th grade and started with 5A in the summer. Within 12 months, he'd finished 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B.


If he's strong in math and you do it every day, I don't think it would be too difficult to do 3A, 3B and 4A in one year. But, even if you don't, you'll be fine because 6A and 6B are basically pre-algebra.


Singapore is great. He'll be fine. Good luck!

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Dd used Everday Math (in Spanish) for second and third. She placed in SM 3A, so that is where we started. My intention was to cover 3A thru 4A in one year. We didn't quite make it through 3B when I ordered the 4a materials. I realized after getting them that I could stop fractions with her in 3B and move right into fractions in 4a and go only as fast or slow as we needed. Honestly, we should have skipped a lot more than we did in 3a/3b! I think learning the mental math strategies was most important when switching. I would get the 3 and 4 materials all at once and start going through 3. When you get to a topic (place value, fractions, geometry, etc) that is covered in both books try teaching it out of 4. If your child doesn't get it go back to 3. But teach the concepts in 3 that are not covered in more depth in 4. Does that make sense?


Good luck!

Thanks for the idea. I do totally get that. I think we'll be able to move through the first part of 3A quickly and then just slow down when we get to multiplication/division. We are working on multiplication this summer anyway using MM. 3B's fractions we'll have to sit on or maybe use 4A? The measurement looks familiar to him, but not sure that it was that in depth. I have the Math in Focus 3A and 3B (got it used), but I think I'm just going to jump ship and order Primary Math because I'm ready to move and don't want to move again unless it's not working. MIF is so much more expensive.

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Most people uses SM will tell you that to expect to place a student from another curriculum a year below. The scope and sequence is different. Singapore the country do not start 1st grade until a kid is 7. So you really not behind. Overall, don't get discouraged. **SM is easy to accelerated.**


:iagree:It is one of the things I love about SM.

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