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To Pack or Not--Help!

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I seriously can't decide what to do.


We have a contract on our place, but our sales guy is nervous about the deal going through. (Because it's a mobile, the same rules do not always apply.) The buyers have said they're proceeding and even paid for and submitted their background check stuff to the park and got approved.




The rest of their money hasn't shown up yet. I understand they had to cash out some investments to buy our place and that takes 5-7 business days, and they probably wanted to get park approval first before cashing out (that was last Monday.)


The closing date is supposed to be July 15. Because of my husband's summer schedule, we'll have to be out of here by July 8 so by the time I hear from the buyers it'll leave very little time to pack.


**If we pack now and something falls through, not only will the boxes be an ugly reminder that we're still stuck after over 2 and a half years of trying, but our place will be a mess!


**If we don't pack now, I'll be scrambling at the last minute since I have to do it all myself.


What to do????

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I'd pack and put it in a storage unit you can rent for a month, leave just enough out to cycle through the week. Just pretend you are going on vacation and pack suitcases for everybody.


Pack the dishes/kitchen, and switch over to paper plates/etc. for a bit. Maybe just keep the crockpot out or something really simple.


Worse comes to worse and it falls through, you are that much farther ahead.

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I'd pack what you won't use and put it in storage if the deal falls through. We sold one house, had a nice firm contract on it. The house showed some termite damage (not unusual for our area), we were willing to fix it and everything, yet she backed out at the last minute. We had many things boxed already. One entire room was boxes. I had previously staged the house and it was impeccable. After that we couldn't get an offer although several people looked, it felt horrible to be sitting there with all those packed boxes. They didn't show well and we were already so despondent about losing the sale, because we had to back out of the contract we had on another house.


We took the house off the market and waited until the next year to try again. So I refuse to box up a house entirely until the last moment.

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