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Should a rising 3rd grader know

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I wasn't quizzing her. These things came up over the course of what the kids were doing over the day. The spelling thing- I let her go on her FB account and she was trying to type a response to someone and kept asking me how to spell things. She asked me where America was, out of the blue, so that led into a conversation about what exactly she meant by America. When I got out the globe to show her, that led to the question about the big red line around the middle of the globe. The math thing came up because she and my ds2 were playing something and one of them had 13 items and one of them had 15 items. My ds (also a rising 3rd grader) said that meant they had 28 all together. She asked him how he knew that.


Sounds like there's nothing wrong with her curiosity. She may have just not been exposed to some things yet. (and I agree that if she were a hser, we'd all be up in arms. One things I've had to realize about my nieces: they are not my children and I don't have control. Even if I am the older sister who has always known best. ;) )

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1. how to spell nothing and cousin?


2. what the equator is?


3. how to add 13 +15 in their head?


4. that the USA is in North America?



Ds8 (rising 3rd) could easily spell nothing but not cousin. He missed the u. He answered the other three easily also. He's known those since 1st grade and quite possibly K. My rising 1st grader knows 2 and 4. However, those depend on exposure and we love geography around here. Having maps on the wall goes along way. That's a pretty easy mental math question IMHO.

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1. how to spell nothing and cousin?

Nothing, yes. Cousin, no.


2. what the equator is?

Well I would have said yes, but I just asked and she said 'never heard of it' :glare:, when I explained she wen't 'Oooooooooooh yeah'.


3. how to add 13 +15 in their head?



4. that the USA is in North America?

Well, we're not in the US so it's a little different. She knows the USA is in America, but probably not the north part.



My DD is half-way through 2nd. What you've posted doesn't sound too outside the realm of normal for a rising 3rd grader IMO.

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1. how to spell nothing and cousin?


2. what the equator is?


3. how to add 13 +15 in their head?


4. that the USA is in North America?


My DS8 knew #3, he knows, but had a hard time verbalizing #2 & 4. For #1 I asked him to spell nothing and he said "0". :lol:


Might be nicer to read some lovely books with her, or even some Life of Fred, rather than pop-quizzing her.

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