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Question for my fellow Virginia homeschoolers RE:info requested by school district

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Hi all,

I will say that we've been hsing in VA since 2007, and I've never had any issues sending in my NOI or test results, but this year we encountered something new.


I have sent in all of my kids test scores and they are wanting clarification about my youngest. He took the K6 ITBS in 2011 (for the 2010-2011 year) and this year I decided to give him the K7 test because after we started the year I realized he really needed another year of K before moving into 1st. They want me to clarify why both years tests are a K level test. Do I really have to tell them this.


I had noticed that on the NOI form they send out for me to fill out that they did ask for a grade level for each kid. I had always just filled it out and sent it in, so it did say he would have been in 1st this past school year. This year I used a form from the HEAV site because I realized that I'm not required to tell them what grade the kids are in.


Lastly, my dd has some vision issues and needed vision therapy (she's got about 8-10 weeks left) so she barely squeaked out at 5th statnine for her LA composite score. I'm worried that since she's only reading at a mid 2nd grade level that I should tell the state that she's redoing 4th grade so that aren't going to give me grief next year if I don't have her take the 5th grade test (she took the 4th grade test this year). What would you all do?


Thanks in advance for any advice.

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So, my advice is not to hold them back, technically.. Teach at their level, then do an evaluation instead of testing.

Where do you live? I can do your evaluation if you want.


I'm not sure what you can do now about what you've already sent in though. Do you have a local group you can ask? Maybe someone has experience with the district.

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Call HEAV. They know all the in's and out's of VA law and could probably tell you what you should tell the district.


:iagree:Is there a deadline to respond? Since this is convention week, very few people will actually be at the offices. You might want to wait until next week, or even the week after so the dust can settle there.:)

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Thanks for all the suggestions all. I think I will call someone at HEAV in a week or so, because I know they are all busy with the convention now.


I re-read the letter I got and it says that I'm in compliance with the law and good to go for next school year, but that they would appreciate clarification about my youngest son's test scores. They have not given me a deadline or anything though.


I'm not really interested in the evaluation thing because of bad experiences with that in FL, I also find it easier to just order the tests which we can give at home ourselves.

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I used to live in Chesapeake.... and I used an evaluator instead of standardized tests. It cost a little more, but it was worth it. She then sent a recommendation letter to the superintendent recommending us for the next year of homeschooling.

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Not helpful for this year, but as far as the evaluator goes, I realized last year that the evaluator can be anyone with a master's degree in an "academic" subject. It doesn't have to be someone with a teaching degree (although that also meets the requirement) or an official approved person (which is what I somehow thought). I had a friend of mine do ours and it was very low key. We agreed on a price (which I think was quite reasonable) and she came over and talked to ds about what he'd learned. It was easy for him and low stress. There might be someone you know who could do it for you and who would know your unique situation even if they don't do homeschool evaluations as a job.

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There is also a local YAhoo group

Homeschooling in Hampton Roads



You can join there and ask. There are people from all over the Hampton Roads area and many really know stuff about the system.


Also Cheri Moore at Moore Expressions would also have an answer for you.


I actually belong to the group already. Not sure why I didn't post there.

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Not helpful for this year, but as far as the evaluator goes, I realized last year that the evaluator can be anyone with a master's degree in an "academic" subject. It doesn't have to be someone with a teaching degree (although that also meets the requirement) or an official approved person (which is what I somehow thought). I had a friend of mine do ours and it was very low key. We agreed on a price (which I think was quite reasonable) and she came over and talked to ds about what he'd learned. It was easy for him and low stress. There might be someone you know who could do it for you and who would know your unique situation even if they don't do homeschool evaluations as a job.


yes and I have heard of a dad with a masters doing it for his own children.

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