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Vos vs Ergermeir's


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I have both. The stories in Ergermeier's are shorter and there are more illustrations. When my DS was 5, I started reading Vos, but the passages were almost too long for his attention span at the time. We then switched to Ergermeir's and it was much better. Now that he's seven, I can see switching to Vos again.

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I like Egermeier's better. If I recall correctly, Vos included extra comments and filler. I just wanted straight up Bible stories.


:iagree: I have both. Vos is wordy and adds stuff to the story. I figure if my child can understand Vos, they can probably understand the Bible straight. So I use Egermeier when they're really little, and read straight from the Bible also. My 7 year old doesn't need a Bible story book anymore. My 5 year old understands better from the story book.

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We enjoyed the Vos much better. We found the E's a little dry and wouldn't hold their attention. I did like that it had some comp. questions in the index, but the kids wouldn't listen long enough for that to matter. I think it had to do with the style, the way the Vos is written like the author is speaking to you rather than telling an arbitrary story to unknown listeners. It's also why we like MOH better than SOTW, or one of the reasons, anyway. ;)

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We enjoyed the Vos much better. We found the E's a little dry and wouldn't hold their attention. I did like that it had some comp. questions in the index, but the kids wouldn't listen long enough for that to matter. I think it had to do with the style, the way the Vos is written like the author is speaking to you rather than telling an arbitrary story to unknown listeners. It's also why we like MOH better than SOTW, or one of the reasons, anyway. ;)



Interesting! I was wondering about MOH but we love Egermeiers here.. so maybe we should just stick with SOTW=D

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Funny, just a few minutes ago I was at a friend's house and she was showing me the Egermier's Bible. I looked through it for awhile, and although I like the frequent illustrations, I think I prefer our Vos. The stories have so much detail. We probably could just go straight to the Bible, but this book makes it a bit more interesting and understandable for kids, especially compared to reading lots of the OT books.

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Vos really upset dd when she was 5. It kept talking about how everyone sins and she completely freaked out. She kept saying she was a good girl and had not done anything wrong. She was not able to take it from day to day life to a broader context. She just knew she had followed every behavior rule she knew of. Upset for days--E worked just fine and she loved it.

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I use Egermeier's with my 6yos and Vos the next year. I like both but Vos is more detailed. I tried to transition to the Bible when my oldest was 6 after we'd finished Egermeier's but the language was too difficult for him to get into the details. Vos filled the gap nicely. Now, he reads his own Bible.

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I prefer Vos. The stories come alive. We read it alongside the real Bible and Journey Through the Bible by V. Gilbert Beers. I think this is a perfect mix between making it interesting yet keeping the facts straight.


I wrote a lengthy review of the one by Vos on my blog....if you want more details:





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We enjoyed the Vos much better. We found the E's a little dry and wouldn't hold their attention. I did like that it had some comp. questions in the index, but the kids wouldn't listen long enough for that to matter. I think it had to do with the style, the way the Vos is written like the author is speaking to you rather than telling an arbitrary story to unknown listeners. It's also why we like MOH better than SOTW, or one of the reasons, anyway. ;)


:iagree: I much prefer Vos.

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