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Grammar & Writting curriculum for Dyslexic kids

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What grammar/writing curriculum has worked for your dyslexic elementary

Kids? My Son is 9 turning 10 in Jan. I would like to start back with some grammar and writing. He also has written expression issues which make it

Challenging for him to get his ideas and thoughts from his brain to the paper. He has no problems with narration. But the things he narrate is to difficult for him to write down. Looking for something that will start gentle and build up.

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MCT grammar made grammar click for my dyslexic son. If I had it to do over again, I'd probably use MCT in the fall of each year and Hake for the remainder of the year.


The IEW keyword outline technique got my son writing. If I had it to do over again, I'd try Step Up to Writing with him.

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The IEW keyword outline technique got my son writing. If I had it to do over again, I'd try Step Up to Writing with him.


Do you mean you would use Step Up to Writing instead of IEW?


If so, can you share why?


If in addition to or after, could you explain why?


In other words, please share about Step Up to Writing.



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Do you mean you would use Step Up to Writing instead of IEW?


If so, can you share why?


If in addition to or after, could you explain why?


In other words, please share about Step Up to Writing.




I never actually used IEW, just the keyword outline technique. I really can't stand IEW.


I haven't actually used Step Up to Writing, but I know a few people who do (with SN kids). The visual and systematic approach to writing would have been perfect for him.


As it was, we muddled through with my own homegrown approach, which worked in certain ways, in that he can write fairly well about things he understands but totally falls apart on things that require a bit of BSing to get through (like the SAT essay). I anticipate that he'll be ok as an adult in his chosen field. He's also great at writing emails and I think that skill will translate into writing decent memos.

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Another Verticy user here. We have finished Yellow and Green (parts A & B) Writing/Grammar and are planning on Green parts C & D this year. I feel that Verticy's grammar is too slow, though, and use Winston Grammar instead.


I also have Step Up To Writing and 6-Traits on the shelf waiting for me. :D

And now I have Winston waiting for me.:D


I've tried numerous grammar programs and workbooks. I know he'll get it one day! When he does finally get it, I don't know if I'll be able to say for sure what actually worked. With each year and each approach, he gets a little closer to getting it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Anyone use "Writing Skills" by Dana Hanbury King? I am looking at that for my youngest.


We just started using Book 1, and my son seems to enjoy it. I like how it flows step-by-step from sentence structure to writing paragraphs and finally essays (and everything in between). Plus, it has just enough Grammar to help those that get easily confused with lots of Grammar rules.

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