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1st grade memory list


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What things did you include in a first grade memory list? This is for my dd6 who loves memorizing and reciting. She can do a poem in one sitting, so I need a pretty aggressive list. (We agree with the "stuff-em-full-of-facts-while-memory-work-is-fun approach. ;))


I have a hymn a month, and a scripture passage a month (Psalm 23, Beatitudes, 10 Commandments, etc).


I would like to include history lists (Pharoahs, Caesars, etc) and grammar lists (parts of speech, lists of helping verbs, etc) but I'm not sure what to include. Math facts, I guess? Geography facts?


What should I include? Anything I'm missing?


Also, where can I find sound files/songs for these lists? She learns very well this way, so I'm using a memory CD that we play each morning.



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Just a few suggestions from our little corner of the universe:









  1. Books of the Old Testament


  2. Books of the New Testament


  3. The divisions of the books (e.g., The Law, Historical Books, Wisdom, Minor & Major Prophets, Gospels, History, Epistles, Revelation -- but how you name the divisions depends on your church background)


  4. The Twelve Disciples (Wee Sing and Cedarmont both have a song for this)


  5. The Days of Creation (there are songs online for this)


  6. The Ten Commandments (basic do's & don'ts)


  7. The Beatitudes (maybe, depends on the child)


  8. The Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control)


  9. A Catechism (if you want this -- check out Veritas Press, they have the Westminster Shorter catechism set to music on CDs.)


  10. Cedarmont Kids & Wee Sing CDs -- most of these are excellent, and help the child to store oodles of information via music! Some titles we use include: Action Bible Songs, Bible Songs, Hymns, Songs of Praise, Sunday School Songs, Toddler Bible Songs (all Cedarmont Kids), and Wee Sing Bible Songs. We also have 102 Bible Songs by Twin Sisters. Use music when you can!








Equipping a child to love language and use it well is the goal of your Language Arts program. Phonics instruction and practice, family read alouds, audio books, memory work, recitation, storytelling, drama (enactments, puppet shows), picture narration, story narration, handwriting instruction and practice, copywork, dictation, spelling, vocabulary building, reference skills, grammar work, mechanics, and short, frequent writing assignments -- all can be a part of your Language Arts program. For memory work in English, you might want to include:




  1. Poetry: First Language Lessons, Robert Louis Stevenson, Favorite Poems Old and New -- we have the FLL 1/2 CD & my 3.5 yo has all the poems and stories memorized, just from listening in the car!


  2. Grammar: parts of speech with definitions (? although I'm not sure about this?)


  3. Stories: Personally, I tend to place greater emphasis on my daughter hearing and rehearing and rehearing and then.... telling and retelling and retelling stories. We use a felt board and felt figures for storytelling. We use puppets for storytelling. We use stuffed animals for storytelling. (Do you notice a trend, here?) She is young, but can really TELL a story! With gusto! :D We also have Ravensburger's "Tell-A-Story" and Rose Art's "What Comes Next?" These are storytelling/sequencing "games" that help a young child look for clues to put the story pictures in order, then tell the story in sequence (with the teacher modeling correct "form").







  1. Basic addition/subtraction facts? -- some people advocate not pushing early, formal arithmetic, I'm not sure what I think about this yet. :confused:


  2. Names of shapes


  3. How many inches in a foot


  4. How many feet in a yard


  5. How many ounces in a pound


  6. How many dents in a golf ball :D







  1. The Continents


  2. The Oceans (although there is some debate about how many! and what to call them!) :001_smile:


  3. Geography Songs: Sing Around the World -- Veritas Press


  4. States & Capitals Songs & Maps -- Veritas Press


  5. Veritas Press History Cards -- for history, they have 5 sets of cards ($20/set). Someone here recommended that if you get the cards, spend the extra money to go to Kinko's and have them laminated! Your son might work through these for a year or two. VP also has 5 sets of cards for Bible.








Names of animals

Some classification -- invertebrates (no backbone), vertebrates (backbone), the 5 groups of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), monocots & dicots, etc.

Lyrical Life Science & Lyrical Earth Science -- from Veritas Press

Crinkleroot's 25 Fish... 25 Mammals... 25 More Mammals... Every Child Should Know

Peterson's Guides for children -- for example, any resource that clearly shows and describes a plant or animal, gives the child a clear "outline," and tells where to find it. Young children love knowing that this is an oak leaf, but that is a maple leaf. They love figuring out what type of tree or pine cone or rock they are looking at. At least, that's been my experience with this 1st-2nd grade age group (my favorite! :001_smile:)





PERSONAL INFORMATION (with guidelines on safe usage of this info)




  1. Full name (first, middle, last)


  2. Birthdate (with year)


  3. Parents' full names


  4. Siblings' full names


  5. Street address


  6. City, State, Zip


  7. Phone number, with area code


  8. Any allergies, medical conditions, or medications (a child can and should learn these)


  9. 9-1-1 usage


  10. Fire safety -- Stop, Drop, & Roll



Hope this helps!



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I think KLS has a great question, one I've often thought about myself. Where's the Memory Work List/Chart for the early years? I've looked and looked for one, and finally just figured out what we'll work on through the next few years (she's 3.5 now, so I'm not in any hurry).


It's not that I think the early years are ONLY about stuffing it in, not at all, it's just that my daughter seems insatiable to absorb -- do you know what I mean? She can't stand not having words in the air, hers or mine or music (for when I am worn out with the other two sources!). She listens to audio books and music, stories and poems, hymns, worship songs -- it all gets in that curly, little head. And without any pressure or effort, it seems to me.


In other words, I don't think of her as a "memorizer," but she IS a little "sponge." :D Sometimes I have to work to keep up with her. She'll say to me, "Can you please TEACH me something today, Mommy?" :001_huh:

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It's not that I think the early years are ONLY about stuffing it in, not at all, it's just that my daughter seems insatiable to absorb -- do you know what I mean? She can't stand not having words in the air, hers or mine or music (for when I am worn out with the other two sources!). She listens to audio books and music, stories and poems, hymns, worship songs -- it all gets in that curly, little head. And without any pressure or effort, it seems to me.


That's exactly my daughter, and I suspect many early grammar stage kiddos. It seems like I can't keep up with her, and even things I mention casually she remembers effortlessly. She just read The Eighteen Penny Goose so I gave her a four sentence explanation about the American Revolution. Tonight after they were in bed my husband asked how in the world she knew all about that - he repeated what she'd told him and it was almost word for word what I had told her in passing a couple of weeks ago. :001_huh:


Hence - my search for a good, long list of things for her to drink up this year. :drool:


Thanks for taking the time to share such a great list, Sahamamama.


Anyone else have something to add?

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oh wow, that Hannah's helps resource is fantastic!!! Just a note tho - it looks like she has used some of the memory work poems from FLL and she has the incorrect Caterpillar poem by Rossetti in there!


Thanks for the compliment! I didn't realize it was the incorrect Caterpillar poem. I'm glad you pointed that out. Do you have the correct version for me please?

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