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Mailed body parts, throwing intestines at the police and two ...

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Why do people keep taking them? Just the news stories alone would be enough to scare someone into finding a different drug. Am I really this naive???


The young are invulnerable, didn't you get the memo?


Some people love to get high. What can I say.

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Bath salts are AWFUL, just awful. Like something out of a horror movie. We had a horrible case on child murder, wife starving, a high speed chase and a shooting of emaciated wife and self last year, all from complete paranoia related to bath salts. "Spice" is bad enough, but bath salts is like legal poison. I never thought I'd see gasoline huffing (which "melts" the frontal lobes) in a positive light, but give me a huffer any day.


I have every hope the salts thing is a fad and the bad outcome/good high ratio gets steep enough people give it up. Remember the PCP craze? Naked people with completely shaven bodies directing traffic. Haven't seen PCP in years....


Is this a regional thing? I live in prime meth territory and have never ever heard of anyone using bath salts for anything but baths!


ETA: I'm an idiot and read further in the thread. So not real bath salts. lol


I do not read the news, either, but I get bombarded with it on facebook.

Edited by mommymilkies
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Has anyone heard of the cannibal crime in Texas? If you have, have you ever heard of something so absolutely awful? I am still sick about reading it. I have tried to push it out of my head but sometimes I actually have to talk myself out of tearing up or dwelling on it it's so terrible. If I was one of the investigators, I would need life long therapy. If you DON"t know what I'm talking about, don't look it up :(


Is that the one that happened back in '08 or so, with the woman with PPD? That was in the news at about the same time I had my dd. Horrific story. I was horrified by that for a long time. I honestly think just reading about that gave me a mild case of PTSD. Seriously.


If we are talking about the same thing, I agree- don't look it up. Ever.

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I stopped watching the news seven years ago but like someone else said, it still gets thrown at me far too often. I have totally avoided the cannabilism stories. There is one issue though that I do keep up with and that is the absolutely terrifying # of women and children who are literally "disappearing"!!


It is blowing my mind how many children are "disappearing", sometimes from their very own beds!! Most of the time the FBI and law enforcement KNOW that one or both parents have murdered and dumped these children but because they can't find their little bodies and because the suspected suspect(s) refuses to take a polygraph or otherwise refuses to cooperate with investigators they are just plain "getting away with it". No body = no conviction.


I am thinking of little Ayla Reynolds from Waterville, Maine who was reported missing by her father in December when he claimed someone abducted her from her bedroom. It is rumored that bath salts are related to that crime.


Perilious times are here.


Not really. Rare events make the news because they're rare.


More children survive childhood in North America and grow up to be whole, healthy and safe individuals then at any other point in history. They don't have to contend with starvation, war or diseases that are now easily treatable, all of which can provide horrific suffering and death.


We live in a miraculously safe time and place. Perhaps what's different is that unlike most other times and places, we expect safety. We expect our kids to remain healthy and whole and live long, good lives and when events occur that challenge that expectation we feel we're in perilous times. But we're not, we're really not. Freak events happen but they don't reflect the norm.


Ask a parent in Syria or the Sudan if we're living in peril and I think they'd give us a look of of utter disbelief.

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We live in a miraculously safe time and place.


:iagree:Similarly, we are shocked when anyone but an ancient person dies of an infection. It didn't take 2 generations to get near complete faith in antibiotics. And pregnancy used to be a significant peril.


But, eating, throwing and mailing body parts IS repulsive to us for a reason. Few cultures down through history would have found this anything but.

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:iagree:Similarly, we are shocked when anyone but an ancient person dies of an infection. It didn't take 2 generations to get near complete faith in antibiotics. And pregnancy used to be a significant peril.


But, eating, throwing and mailing body parts IS repulsive to us for a reason. Few cultures down through history would have found this anything but.


Agreed. I've avoided news stories on that event because it turns my stomach.

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Is that the one that happened back in '08 or so, with the woman with PPD? That was in the news at about the same time I had my dd. Horrific story. I was horrified by that for a long time. I honestly think just reading about that gave me a mild case of PTSD. Seriously.


If we are talking about the same thing, I agree- don't look it up. Ever.


This was in Texas in 2009. It still leaves me shaky every time I think of it. I don't even want to look up this crime you mention from 2008 but I think this could be worse, though I cannot imagine something comparing. I remember I was nursing DD when I heard of it. I think I feel a little vomit in my throat.

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