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NOOOOOO!!!!!We are leaving for the states in one week and

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Oh, so sorry! We had it this winter. Only dh and I got the sores, though. Dd just had the fever, thank goodness. The sores hurt like crazy, so be sure to have pain reliever on hand. If they get them in the mouth, they might not want to eat. My spots came in waves, with feet first, then hands - never the mouth. Dh got everything all at once. His lasted longer - maybe 5 days, but it took longer than that for both of us for the spots to fade completely. No pain after that initial 5 days or so for him, and my pain lasted only about 24 hours for each affected body part. We both peeled for a long time after - at least a couple of months. It was the strangest, most painful illness I've had. It's supposed to be very contagious, so we stayed away from everyone and did a major disinfection on the house.

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My two youngest have that hand/foot/mouth virus. :glare:


Super high fevers, the spots, the sore throats... It has been spreading through our school like wildfire.


Tell me this will be over within a week?????


Ugh. Maybe? Depends on how fast it goes? We kept our baby out of childcare for a whole week. It really seems to be going around in our area. EVERY family in our small group with children 2 and under has gotten it since Christmas (and far enough apart that we didn't give it to each other.) Our doctor told us she was contagious until ALL the spots scabbed over and no new spots were forming. And our doctor told us she seemed to be progressing rapidly in the disease. We were blessed that our older child did not get it.


Be sure to wash EVERYTHING as frequently as possible. Wash your hands after touching them, etc. Esp stuff that goes in their mouth/touches a sore. They can reinfect themselves :( This is NOT a "Get it once and you are done" disease.

Edited by vonfirmath
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Ugh. Maybe? Depends on how fast it goes? We kept our baby out of childcare for a whole week. It really seems to be going around in our area. EVERY family in our small group with children 2 and under has gotten it since Christmas (and far enough apart that we didn't give it to each other.) Our doctor told us she was contagious until ALL the spots scabbed over and no new spots were forming. And our doctor told us she seemed to be progressing rapidly in the disease. We were blessed that our older child did not get it.


Be sure to wash EVERYTHING as frequently as possible. Wash your hands after touching them, etc. Esp stuff that goes in their mouth/touches a sore. They can reinfect themselves :( This is NOT a "Get it once and you are done" disease.


That's what I am afraid of. My dd got it first and seems to be nearing the end. Now my youngest ds has it and I am afraid they will keep swapping it back and forth.




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I don't think they'll get it twice. At least the littler ones will be done with it and the rest of you can fake it if necessary. I think you'll be fine. I never got it from the school kids. And your guest house is waiting!

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