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We lost power during LOST - Please answer these questions. (MAY BE SPOILERS)

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The power kept periodically going off all night. We lost power momentarilly when Hurley was looking in the window at the cabin. Was there a face in the window? What happened? Also when Hurley was talking to Charlie. What did Charlie say? Who do you think the six were? And what was Jack afraid that Hurley would tell?

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The power kept periodically going off all night. We lost power momentarilly when Hurley was looking in the window at the cabin. Was there a face in the window? What happened? Also when Hurley was talking to Charlie. What did Charlie say? Who do you think the six were? And what was Jack afraid that Hurley would tell?


I know that Hurley saw a face in the cabin, but I don't know if it was a recognizable one. Our tv signal was acting up at that exact moment. Charlie did say that he was "dead, but here." Whatever that means. :) He also said that "they" needed Hurley to go back.


As far as Jack's secret and the six, there's only speculation at this point. It seems that there are still people on the island and that the six who got off must have made some deal to never go back or speak of the island like Michael, Walt's dad, did when he left. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.


I have tried to guess who the six are. So far we know Hurley, Jack and Kate. Also the person in the coffin was probably one, but neither friend nor family to Jack. I don't think Sawyer, Ben or Locke would have left, so I am at a loss as to who would fit that description. I would speculate that Sun would be one since she was pregnant, and I can't see Juliet passing on the chance to leave unless she doesn't live to get the choice. I don't know, but I am very curious.

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Hurley looked into the cabin window, and saw a face pop up. I think it was Locke, because as Hurley ran away from being shocked (and fell down all disoriented), Locke showed up and helped him back to camp. I think Locke was hanging out in Jacob's cabin after he "killed" the girl and escaped the group.


Charlie told Hurley he was dead, but had to come see him. Hurley didn't believe he was there, and started counting and "counted him away". When he opened his eyes, CHarilie disappeared. However, we did find out that Charlie is the mysterious "thing Hurley saw" in the convienence store that made him run and get caught in the police chase at the beginning of the show.


Don't know who the "6" are. It's another new mystery!

We've seen before in flashforwards that Kate and Jack talk about "not being able to lie anymore". THey are keeping some secret, and I assume that is the same as what Jack is talking to Hurley about.


Bummer on the power issue!

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Hi... Im so sorry that happened... our tivo froze on the last episode last year and we had to watch it online.... it stinks when that happens...but Im gald it was online! lol


The face in the window was locke... we kept stopping and going over it! lol It was Locke....


Charley never got to finish what he wanted to say.... but Im so glad he is still around... so to speak... he was one of our faves...

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Sorry the 6... we dont know who the six are... we only know the 3... Kate, Jack, Hurley and the person in the coffin??? we dont know... so the other 3 are still in question.....


They gave so many hints to as it could be... ugh... now we have to wait an entire week to find out more... and then not!:D

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:confused:What ever happened to Michael? and his son? I know his son was in last night but I don't remember where they went!



Last time we saw Michael was on the boat Ben gave him a long time ago. Walter, an older version, briefly appeared to Locke when he was dying in the Dharma grave pit in the last episode of season three.

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Keep in mind that the "six" would only refer to survivors of Oceanic 815. They were the "Oceanic 6." So if Juliet, Ben, Desmond, Danielle, Alex, or Carl left the island, they would not have to be included in the 6 count.


I think the secret they are keeping is about the other survivors who didn't leave the island. Why else would Hurley have implied he didn't know Anna Lucia?

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